1. the Electrician

    incorrect Discovery speedo

    hi, my speedo seems to be way out, it reads just above 40 mph when the car is doing about 30, when you slow down to lets say pass a gatso camera, it is litrally walking pace even though the speedo reads 30. Also it flicks around a little especially if you are on a motorway and it jumps from...
  2. the Electrician

    EGR - mines different.....I think

    Right then lads, So I'm ripping out the right bit then?. Now what this De-Cat and middle silencer thing? And turned what pump up....diesel pump i assume ?
  3. the Electrician

    EGR - mines different.....I think

    http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l229/the-electrician/th_DSCF5619.jpg this should now show the EGR that i currentley have..............heres hoping.
  4. the Electrician

    EGR - mines different.....I think

    how do I add picture to my post ? they are in 'my pictures' but they won't 'copy and paste'
  5. the Electrician

    EGR - mines different.....I think

    And did it make a difference ?, and have you M.O.T'ed it since ?, I'm a bit concerned that taking it off may cause problems when M.O.T day comes along.
  6. the Electrician

    is my 300 tdi lump a 2.5 turbo ?

    Thanks, I knew someone would know.
  7. the Electrician

    EGR - mines different.....I think

    Hi, I've read loads on these forums regarding the removal of the EGR from the 300tdi engine, i've just been out with a torch to see if my new purchase, a 1996 Discovery xs 300tdi still has the EGR in place, it does, but.....I have seen a couple of pictures of these EGR's and mine looks much more...
  8. the Electrician

    is my 300 tdi lump a 2.5 turbo ?

    is my 300 tdi lump a 2.5 turbo ? this is probably a very stupid question and for that i appologise in advance... I have just brought my first Diesel Discovery ever, the previous four Discoveries were all V8's (what with petrol prices etc, Diesel it was)... Anyway, TDi .....Turbo Diesel...
  9. the Electrician

    is my 300 tdi lump a 2.5 turbo ?

    this is probably a very stupid question and for that i appologise in advance... I have just brought my first Diesel Discovery ever, the previous four Discoveries were all V8's (what with petrol prices etc, Diesel it was)... Anyway, TDi .....Turbo Diesel Intercooler ? Maybe ? I need to give...
  10. the Electrician

    are we all happy poll

    If that retarded celtic brain of yours were capable of a decent reply i would have been amazed, still if the inbreeding in the scots don't get you the crack will eh?.
  11. the Electrician

    are we all happy poll

    Marcus, it seems to me that most people on this forum are ok, but there seems to be a scotish element that are just iggnorant uneducated jocks. maybe years of getting your arses kicked by the English left you a bit resentful. Still who care what the jocks think, at least i'm...
  12. the Electrician

    are we all happy poll

    It's not that matey, i can take a laugh and a joke, but being just outright nasty to people that haven't asked for it is just plain rude. I've been around forums for years and know exactly what they are like and i can take the **** as much as anyone else, BUT, i never attack anyone without...
  13. the Electrician

    Can there be a new section to the forum ?

    sassenach you say, theres not a jock alive that would sell his mother to be a sassenach.
  14. the Electrician

    are we all happy poll

    Seriously now, don't you think that this is all a bit sad, the gezzer was out of order and not man enough to admit it, so he gets all girly and buggers off.
  15. the Electrician

    sparky poll

    Well well another amazing success.......................you've gotta be so proud. if you had some friends you could celebrate.
  16. the Electrician

    Can there be a new section to the forum ?

    Right i'm off then, as usual with the scots, when they are beat they leg it. there is something strange about Scotland,a country that keeps a law that says buggery is legal !! is that why you all wear skirts ? (don't get out of you tree - my dads a Scot)
  17. the Electrician

    are we all happy poll

    Cor !!!!! this is as popular as a **** in a lucky dip..............bet you wish you'd gone with the camping now !!!!
  18. the Electrician

    sparky poll

    in case you were wondering........a dictionary is a book written in the Queens English.
  19. the Electrician

    sparky poll

    it's in the dicionary
  20. the Electrician

    sparky poll

    Oh, i'm smiling, it's hard not to laugh at you sweaties.