are we all happy

  • no we is all sad cos sparky has the hump

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Seriously now, don't you think that this is all a bit sad, the gezzer was out of order and not man enough to admit it, so he gets all girly and buggers off.
Yer barking up the wrong tree there Gary mate... stick around a bit, suck it in a little and you'll find it's pretty much par for the course.

O' course, if you really dunt like it - then he was just right and this probbly ain't the forum for you.
It's not that matey, i can take a laugh and a joke, but being just outright nasty to people that haven't asked for it is just plain rude.

I've been around forums for years and know exactly what they are like and i can take the **** as much as anyone else, BUT, i never attack anyone without just cause.

Still it just goes to show there IS still a class divide.
LOL - class? Yer seriously not talkin' about Marcus are you? Or slob come to that?
It's not that matey, i can take a laugh and a joke, but being just outright nasty to people that haven't asked for it is just plain rude.

I've been around forums for years and know exactly what they are like and i can take the **** as much as anyone else, BUT, i never attack anyone without just cause.

Still it just goes to show there IS still a class divide.

FFS! Wuz Sparky still whinging on 'till that time o' night? I'd long gone to beddy byes.

Attack him? I've never seen a grown man get so het up about two words. ****y & bitching. Aside frum those two words the rest of the post that irked him was just my opinion on what this forum represents and it is now fairly apparent he seems to do nothing but get ****y and bitch about stuff!

Oh well, another day.................NEEEEEEEEEEEXT! :D
it seems to me that most people on this forum are ok, but there seems to be a scotish element that are just iggnorant uneducated jocks.
maybe years of getting your arses kicked by the English left you a bit resentful.
Still who care what the jocks think, at least i'm civilised, I'm an Englishman.
the only good thing ever to come out of scotland was the road back to England.
take your veiws and shove them up your skirt.
it seems to me that most people on this forum are ok, but there seems to be a scotish element that are just iggnorant uneducated jocks.
maybe years of getting your arses kicked by the English left you a bit resentful.
Still who care what the jocks think, at least i'm civilised, I'm an Englishman.
the only good thing ever to come out of scotland was the road back to England.
take your veiws and shove them up your skirt.

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Still ****in' whingin' then Sparky:p :D
If that retarded celtic brain of yours were capable of a decent reply i would have been amazed, still if the inbreeding in the scots don't get you the crack will eh?.
Sniff, sniff, ere Sparky spurty knob, wot's that funny smell? Oh hang on, it must be that bull**** yer spoutin':rolleyes:
dunt you just love these turnips that can't think of an original bit of abuse and have to resort to the " fill in the blanks " kind of insults.. you might aswell admit to being french as a lot of the so called english have french origins, or perhaps he's from viking descent.. oh **** it! he's just too dumb to waste a good insult on. but ah will ask this " if scotland is so bad why did old long shanks and the rest of the ' lets put bells on wur legs and dance round this pole' english try so hard to steal it?"
Still who care what the jocks think, at least i'm civilised, I'm a total DICK-HEAD.

the only good thing ever to come out of scotland was the road back to England.
Aye would that be the black stuff that covers it then:rolleyes:
You tell 'im Slob:D :D
He's not bin on fur a wee while, do ye think he's tryin' to think of another insult?:D
he didn't think of his last tirad. am sure he just copied it from " insults and **** taking for beginers," basic level... seeing as how he's so clever he'll already know that more grand inventions and discoveries either came from scotland or had a strong scottish conection, than the rest of the UK.
.. but we int gonna bore the rest of the forum by re-edjamacating them anorl about jockanese grey matter
he didn't think of his last tirad. am sure he just copied it from " insults and **** taking for beginers," basic level... seeing
Is that the penguin edition or junior library? must get it fur mesel', ahm no good at insultin' folk:D

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