When i first started work in the mid 70's i was 5' nothing and weighed around 6 stone and so was gifted with the name Spadger (Little sparrow according to something i looked up years ago) it hung around with me for years until i left the UK for NZ. I still get it occasionally as a couple of friends from the UK have joined me in NZ and they remember the nickname. I have since doubled in weight but only gained 6" in height so i am somewhat different in proportion and should probably go by the name of wood pigeon.

I was born in Porirua... Parents live a bit further up the coast, and that was obviously the nearest hospital at the time - but it must have changed a bit over the years, as it was a proper sh*thole for years!! I guess that now Wellington is so expensive and Porirua is 'commutable' they've thrown a lick of paint over the place :) seriously though - what is it like around there now?

My username is pretty self explanatory - Marty is my nickname... was always called it when I started in the entertainment industry - hated it to start with, but then went with the 'if you can't beat em, join em' mentality, and accepted it and it's stuck. The 'UK' funnily enough is because I'm now based in the UK. On RR.net, I'm Marty_nz - because at the time I was still living in NZ. Even though I'm now living in the UK, I still call NZ home.
No definitely not, it's an Australian version of the same thing though..

Never heard a lady's parts called a spadger before. Is that a contraction of spunk-badger? Presumably tamed by careful use of a beaver-cleaver?
Is that a contraction of spunk-badger?
I think, and I could be mistaken but, that may be it, some adult weekly magazine we had here many many years ago made "spadger" famous, (not that it had not been around and famous a while), and when I see that word, well it's the first thing to spring to mind.
The XJR is a lovely car.

And XJR1300 is a lovely bike
non these days and for many days, or likely to be after seeing bikers struggle around on the odd hot day in stifling leathers sight seeing,but it doesnt alter the bikes asthetics
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