Word to the wise: Gold Rover is not a him.....She is employed (used to be employed - not sure on status) by Her Majesties Armed Forces and has access to Military Hardware :D:D:D:D
The plot thickens,hope she doesn't want the hardware I aquired when I worked for Her Majesty back.;):D
My user name comes from the days of my misspent youth, back in the 60's when I was an apprentice and rode a Triumph Bonneville, I used to ride with a mob of no hopers and ruffians, (many of whom became coppers later), Gazbo was their take on my given name, you can guess what that is...........
Gazbo is what they still call me today 50 years on, except for the wife, she calls me Gaz.....or hey you!!..................mostly that.

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