well we have been back about half hour all kids tucked up safe and sound in bed they really enjoyed today and so did i :p also would like to say it was lovely to meet some new peeps today and sue you did great on that deep lane well done :D also i am really proud of myself for driving the rocky lane with the speed humps lol looking forward to the next day or few out see ya all soon x

also will put pics up later x ttfn
well we have been back about half hour all kids tucked up safe and sound in bed they really enjoyed today and so did i :p also would like to say it was lovely to meet some new peeps today and sue you did great on that deep lane well done :D also i am really proud of myself for driving the rocky lane with the speed humps lol looking forward to the next day or few out see ya all soon x

also will put pics up later x ttfn

Great, was lovely to see you all again. Say thanks to Brian for walking down that lane with me, he says he didn't have to pull it back on its wheels but I'm not sure. And Steve for walking in front of me :eek:
Not sure, about 1/2 way down, tisnt much, think it caught the wheel arch, that pulled the b wing out a tad, hammer n block of wood 'll fix that easy enuff.
about 3 mins into vid is where I copped mine. twas on the top side trying to squeeze past the tree and the arse end slid into the washout.
Yes that was the worst bit I think.

Shame Wickford90 left just before that last lane, I think he would have loved it
Got to work this morning, noticed another war wound fropm that lane, got a nice dent in me front wing too, should pop out if i can get to the other side (or can be bothered :) )

reset me side steps & give em a coat of hammerite n that should be fine, all in all, nothing majour, will give the photos another try this eve when I get home.

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