not opened the sunday route yet,
and yes, all cb's in use now should have 40 channels. you'll be ok on 21!

All you need to do is save the gpx file onto your computer. Then open Memory Map and go to "import" You wont be able to see the file you have saved as its the wrong type so change the file type at the bottom from mmo (memory map file) to gpx and you should be able to see the file you have saved. Choose it and it should open.
Sorry but not camping as it is going to cost us to much so may just pop over for the day. If not will have to see what other trips are set up. But have a good time.
sorry folks gunna have to drop out from this one the wife has had a fall and bust ribs and wrist totally gutted as we were looking forward to it :(:Cry::Cry::Cry:
Sorry but not camping as it is going to cost us to much so may just pop over for the day. If not will have to see what other trips are set up. But have a good time.

Shame :( If it helps you can say the kids are sleeping in our bunk barn, there are spare beds but I have paid for the whole thing. They dont actually have to sleep in it. Would reduce the cost
Can we book lunch on both days next to the fords :D:D

How lovely will it be to sit on the bank with feet in the river. Think there are enough to arrange it both days :D
Warrior has just spoken to the campsite and they have plenty of room if anyone want to come for Friday or Saturday night

We have routes round Settle/Hawes on Saturday and Pateley on Sunday if anyone want to join us for a day.

Just post on here or PM me, I will have the laptop with me.
Warrior has just spoken to the campsite and they have plenty of room if anyone want to come for Friday or Saturday night

We have routes round Settle/Hawes on Saturday and Pateley on Sunday if anyone want to join us for a day.

Just post on here or PM me, I will have the laptop with me.

Just spoken to Warrior, we're coming up in convoy tomorrow, see you all then, will have my route with me, so will give you a call when we get close I should be able to reach you on the CB within about 2-3 miles, as long as you aint got the squelch turned right up.
Just spoken to Warrior, we're coming up in convoy tomorrow, see you all then, will have my route with me, so will give you a call when we get close I should be able to reach you on the CB within about 2-3 miles, as long as you aint got the squelch turned right up.

Don't get technical :eek::eek:

I found channel 21, what more do you want :D
Thank you, shame you're not coming

So finally, still room today (friday) to join us camping or just for a day laning. Saturday is Settle up to Hawes area. Sunday is a run back to A1 with laning on the way, most of the day around Pateley Bridge area. We do have people meeting us on the way.

Starting from campsite Events - Dalesbridge Outdoor Accommodation for Walkers, Hikers, cyclists, cavers, bikers and outdoor enthusiasts 9am Saturday, don't park on the grass, they dont like it. Perhaps a little later on Sunday

Camping Fri & Sat night or just one of them

Saturday full day laning, BBQ Saturday night, bring your own food, Sunday laning towards Eastern End of the Dales, back to A1 there are some great lanes to spend the whole day exploring around Pateley Bridge.

Leaving soon so post on here or PM me, I am taking the laptop with me.

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