my first time down that lane wos new year eve/day at 2am i wos leading a group and did you hit the rock in the last ford

I did :eek:

Tim use the quick reply feature, that seems to work better. I had to put mine on photobucket though
That's not strange it's a landrover, they got shook to bits,

Maybe a live wire has come astray and shorting t the body or chassis maybe or a bad or damaged ground maybe warn through somewhere.

Mines ok I think just the flat I got near home, have to send it off for vulcanising as my mate said he wouldn't want o repair it in the normal way.

That must a first :eek:

Not having to spend next week fixing what you broke :D:D





Hi Sue, just got some new glass,s so I can now read all the posts. Thanks again for the route and leading was an excellent weekend, sounds like I bailed out a lane too soon. Can't see the pics on me iPad as yet still not got decent Internet here. Will post up a few pics when poss.
Hi Sue, just got some new glass,s so I can now read all the posts. Thanks again for the route and leading was an excellent weekend, sounds like I bailed out a lane too soon. Can't see the pics on me iPad as yet still not got decent Internet here. Will post up a few pics when poss.

Thank you, it was lovely to meet you. Sorry the glasses didn't turn up. Enjoy the rest of your holiday :D
Hi all at the min not got any internet so can not put up any of the pic's or vid's i took. It was great to meet new peeps and sue your welcome for the help down that lane it was good fun. Never broke anything on my disco so good trip out. Hope to see you all again soon.
Hi all at the min not got any internet so can not put up any of the pic's or vid's i took. It was great to meet new peeps and sue your welcome for the help down that lane it was good fun. Never broke anything on my disco so good trip out. Hope to see you all again soon.

Was lovely to see you all again. Afraid I might have mentioned another trip to debsdebbie79 :eek::eek:

Probably Wales or Coast to Coast next, that wont stop the odd day out though :D And I might try the North York Moors weekend in August, sounds good for the kids too.
I have been on one of the north yorks trips with another site and it was good even though it was thick of mud lol. I would love to do a coast to coast trip. I got a lot of saving up to do so that i can really get my disco up to scratch for all this laneing we are doing lol. But before all that we have to go on holiday with the kids but it will all be fun.
Nice one mate, good to see her driving! Juliet reckons she might have a go, when we're alone though, while we're in the lake District .. :)
Well it was funny really Paul we was on a lane and out the blue she said pull over and kicked me out drivers seat and got in?
She really enjoyed it she says so thats a bonus lol.
For her first time she did really well never tipped it or crashed it (only joking love)
So now i have to watch out when we are out laning again as she will kick me out again.
When's the next one? Dogs were nackered after my mile and a bit run behind the convoy with them and they were exsited about what was going on the dint sleep at all through the day,
The Labrador likes the Landy as every time I open the door she jumps in and sits and has that look of where we going this time.
When's the next one? Dogs were nackered after my mile and a bit run behind the convoy with them and they were exsited about what was going on the dint sleep at all through the day,
The Labrador likes the Landy as every time I open the door she jumps in and sits and has that look of where we going this time.

Peak District next Sunday if we can get a few interested to go down together :D:D

I saw her in your Landy last night, she seemed very disappointed when it didn't move. When she saw me and my Landy she must have thought it was another trip :D
I will be up for it next Sunday. if you can get a few interested landy . back up and running now

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