You's just jealous of me man sized sliders
Man sliders?? Think you mean merkin sliders
Still skinnier than a hummer
You're the one wanting 6mm thick sliders anyway
Hush, a atleast they won't stick out unlike yours
Shurrup They don't stick out that far!
Stick out that far? Pikey could use them as a climbing frame!
He's only 2ft tall
Please check your pvt e mail! If you want a hand checking the lanes give me a shout.
Russ & Sue
Just a warning for you all, we have had a spate of thefts in the area, lock your fuel caps ( full tank stolen from me ) also quad bikes and trailers.
If any of you spot the scrotes knee cap the sods and ring me so I can show them a green lane I know !
Freelanders are gay