Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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I would go out of my way to advise anyone from using them to be honest, what a farce/ripoff/a load of ****e!

I am nearing my mileage limit, fine, called up to add another 1k as i wont use the motor much through the summer. Woman on the end of the phone was adamant i needed another 4k to the tune of £460 ish!, that wasn't what i asked for!

Spoke to someone else who was very helpful and advised that an extra 1000 would be £299.99, bit steep but at least she was helpful. Perfectly willing to pay the extra, but it has to be in a lump sum! No payment over the duration of the policy, over a few months, nothing! What a load of ****e!
I done the same last month, I went from 3k to 5k miles, policy is £320 cost an extra £120 which they said was the insurers cost and they wasnt charging a fee to do it. I cant complain tbh.
Disconnect the speedo...

I just noticed they'd automatically renewed the insurance on my old (now sold) 110. Called them up, expecting a scrap as the renewal was a few weeks ago, to be told - oops, sorry, that's now cancelled and you'll get a full refund. That'll do.
I'm not bothered about the extra fee, it's the fact that because i paid my insurance up front they now wont put it on monthly even though there are thousands of folk out there with their full insurance amount on it!
I'm not bothered about the extra fee, it's the fact that because i paid my insurance up front they now wont put it on monthly even though there are thousands of folk out there with their full insurance amount on it!

I pay mine monthly but had to pay the extra up front in one, Still cant complain really, was my own fault for underestimating my mileage.
I would go out of my way to advise anyone from using them to be honest, what a farce/ripoff/a load of ****e!

I am nearing my mileage limit, fine, called up to add another 1k as i wont use the motor much through the summer. Woman on the end of the phone was adamant i needed another 4k to the tune of £460 ish!, that wasn't what i asked for!

Spoke to someone else who was very helpful and advised that an extra 1000 would be £299.99, bit steep but at least she was helpful. Perfectly willing to pay the extra, but it has to be in a lump sum! No payment over the duration of the policy, over a few months, nothing! What a load of ****e!

It is none of your fault for under estimating your mileage?? So it is everyone else s fault

Apologies for the late reply, I've been in meetings all day and have only just got in from a spot of shooting. In regards to your issue, our schemes are catered to work in mileage brackets, obviously if you were to break the upper band of a bracket you would then have to pay the additional amount based in the next suitable bracket for you.

Now these premiums aren't something that go to Adrian Flux, they're additional premiums, which as already mentioned, are insurers premiums. Although we are entitled to add an admin fee on top of this additional payment it seems the admin fee was wavered by the advisor you spoke to as a matter of good will. I hope you can understand that our hands are very much tied when it comes to insurers demands.

Moving on to the matter of spreading the payment monthly. At Adrian Flux out instalment facility is an outsourced credit agreement, this means that the money is laid to us in fill by another company, who you then pay back. Now since you say you paid in full, there is no payment plan currently in place that can be taken out mid term, this would involve lots of admin that can be complicated, thus could result in errors, which we avoid by ruling out this sort of payment plan.

Sorry if some of that didn't make sense, but I thought it were best to try and explain fully.


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Feel for you ED some just do not understand . You being just the administrator for insurance company's , and tack on a small fee for doing the paper work. The insurance company's have less staff and just farm that part to you guys and you have to Follow there rules set forth from the company's that pay you to admin for doing there work.

How many different company's do you have, that you Broker for?
Good work ED, I like the fact you answered at this hour, it shows some real commitment, shame about the problem to begin with but i reckon you are doing Flux some right favors by just answering. That last fella did nowt but harm.

So as a professional what would you recommend us punters do in this situation? is there a way round this legally, what causes the least hassle for everybody and keeps the cost down to the punter whilst allowing you guys to make some cash too?
How many different company's do you have, that you Broker for?

We currently are working with 30 different underwriters, that in total provide us with over 250 different specialist schemes that are tailored for certain risk profiles.
So as a professional what would you recommend us punters do in this situation? is there a way round this legally, what causes the least hassle for everybody and keeps the cost down to the punter whilst allowing you guys to make some cash too?

Sorry for having to split this into another reply, but I can't work out multi-quoting on this forum :confused:

In honesty this is a hard one for me to answer... Some people use their LR as a second car for a bit of green lane fun, whereas others use them as a day to day car. Personally, were I to be using a vehicle as a day to day car, I would never put myself on a limited mileage scheme.

If you want to look at it in with a fine tooth comb, look at the mileage on the last 3 MOT's, work out the mileage done between each MOT, add them together, divide by 3, theres your average mileage. That's what I'd then use to get quotations, maybe adding on an extra 500-750 miles just for good measure to cover you for any eventualities. But this is all ideal world stuff, anything can change during the year, ie a new job that requires more miles, or redundancy which means you drive very rarely.
ummm mr flux rep a quick question hwo would you know if the annual millage is exceeded on a limited millage policy , is it only down to your customers being honest ?
ummm mr flux rep a quick question hwo would you know if the annual millage is exceeded on a limited millage policy , is it only down to your customers being honest ?

When it comes to a limited mileage policy, clients will be sent a form at the inception of their insurance for them to fill in the current vehicle mileage. This is what they refer to were there to be a claim during the policy, if the mileage were exceeded the chances are that the company will only pay out to Third Party damages. Apart from that, that's the only ''monitoring'' we do.

That said, we do have a smartbox insurance policy now where a box is installed to keep track of only the mileage. But that only applies if you are placed on this scheme, not all policies use it.
Sorry for having to split this into another reply, but I can't work out multi-quoting on this forum :confused:

In honesty this is a hard one for me to answer... Some people use their LR as a second car for a bit of green lane fun, whereas others use them as a day to day car. Personally, were I to be using a vehicle as a day to day car, I would never put myself on a limited mileage scheme.

If you want to look at it in with a fine tooth comb, look at the mileage on the last 3 MOT's, work out the mileage done between each MOT, add them together, divide by 3, theres your average mileage. That's what I'd then use to get quotations, maybe adding on an extra 500-750 miles just for good measure to cover you for any eventualities. But this is all ideal world stuff, anything can change during the year, ie a new job that requires more miles, or redundancy which means you drive very rarely.

Thanks for the answer , its not relevant to me as I doubt you would cover me as I live in another country (ex-pat) and the insurance here is not so bad as it goes, but thought it was worth trying to get the inside edge so to speak for the guys that can still use you come renewal time.
Easiest way out of a limted milage policy if you are getting near the limit it to cancel. Costs you a bit in cancellation fee, but you might get a bit of a refund if there are a few months left.
Then take a new policy with an appropriate mileage.

I used to have a limit of 100K a year on my policy cos of the banding the company used:jaw:

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