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Apologies for the late reply, I've been in meetings all day and have only just got in from a spot of shooting. In regards to your issue, our schemes are catered to work in mileage brackets, obviously if you were to break the upper band of a bracket you would then have to pay the additional amount based in the next suitable bracket for you.

Now these premiums aren't something that go to Adrian Flux, they're additional premiums, which as already mentioned, are insurers premiums. Although we are entitled to add an admin fee on top of this additional payment it seems the admin fee was wavered by the advisor you spoke to as a matter of good will. I hope you can understand that our hands are very much tied when it comes to insurers demands.

Moving on to the matter of spreading the payment monthly. At Adrian Flux out instalment facility is an outsourced credit agreement, this means that the money is laid to us in fill by another company, who you then pay back. Now since you say you paid in full, there is no payment plan currently in place that can be taken out mid term, this would involve lots of admin that can be complicated, thus could result in errors, which we avoid by ruling out this sort of payment plan.

Sorry if some of that didn't make sense, but I thought it were best to try and explain fully.



Thanks for explaining. Maybe it would be an idea to instruct your call centre workers of this as i wouldnt have been as annoyed if it had been explained properly in the first place. Again, thanks for your reply!
Easiest way out of a limted milage policy if you are getting near the limit it to cancel. Costs you a bit in cancellation fee, but you might get a bit of a refund if there are a few months left.
Then take a new policy with an appropriate mileage.

I used to have a limit of 100K a year on my policy cos of the banding the company used:jaw:

I wouldn't say that's entirely true..

The majority of insurance policies will not offer a refund after 8 moths of insurance, typically, you would be coming close to the limit after 8 months, meaning you would have to pay the cancellation fee, and lose the remaining time on cover. Also, if you are paying monthly, you would have to still cover the interest.

Secondly, with cancelling mid term, you would lose the entitlement to your No Claims Discount, this wouldn't be an issue if you already have your maximum amount, but for those who are still working their way up the discount ladder, it would have a negative affect.

Don't get me wrong, this may have worked on your part, but I think that it would be unlikely to be beneficial for the majority.
Thanks for explaining. Maybe it would be an idea to instruct your call centre workers of this as i wouldnt have been as annoyed if it had been explained properly in the first place. Again, thanks for your reply!

Apologies for the problem in the first instance, I'll certainly take all the comments from here and pass them to the required channels to try and get things moving on towards better pastures.

If there's ever anything else, just shout!

Enjoy your weekend :D
Ed Got a question?????????? Is there a rating among the different insurance company on how the pay out, or ease of working with. Here in the states the consumer groups and insurance companys have a rating of how they are on pay outs? Like a A B C D with a being the best and d being right bastid to work with
Sorry, I got half way to answering but then started playing Xbox.

In all honesty, I wouldn't know without checking with our claims department, but I don't think so. Pretty sure settlements here are worked out purely on an as it is basis. For example, repair costs (of vehicles are written off, vehicle valuation/replacement) + personal injury, depending on the severity of the accident a company will put aside a figure called a reserve. This is a projected costing of the claim, to put into context, a £300 Ford Focus hits a tree, with only the driver in the car, the company will put aside £300 for the vehicle settlement + the upper limit for the amount of personal injury you can aim from your own insurance (in the region of about 5K).. Meaning the reserve for this claim would be 5.3K. Alternatively, think of a car full of passengers, that drives in to a third party, paralysing the third party driver. Again the projected cost of the vehicle repairs/write off + the potential for a huge PI claim, would make the reserve. There was a recent case where a girl was settled 19million after being severely disabled in an accident. So the reserve in this case would be MASSIVE.

Sorry I couldn't give you the precise answer to your first question, but I hope this helps a little bit in the understanding of how claims are processed.



Apologies for the late reply, I've been in meetings all day and have only just got in from a spot of shooting. In regards to your issue, our schemes are catered to work in mileage brackets, obviously if you were to break the upper band of a bracket you would then have to pay the additional amount based in the next suitable bracket for you.

Now these premiums aren't something that go to Adrian Flux, they're additional premiums, which as already mentioned, are insurers premiums. Although we are entitled to add an admin fee on top of this additional payment it seems the admin fee was wavered by the advisor you spoke to as a matter of good will. I hope you can understand that our hands are very much tied when it comes to insurers demands.

Moving on to the matter of spreading the payment monthly. At Adrian Flux out instalment facility is an outsourced credit agreement, this means that the money is laid to us in fill by another company, who you then pay back. Now since you say you paid in full, there is no payment plan currently in place that can be taken out mid term, this would involve lots of admin that can be complicated, thus could result in errors, which we avoid by ruling out this sort of payment plan.

Sorry if some of that didn't make sense, but I thought it were best to try and explain fully.



Hmm i pay mine monthly but A/F still wanted the payment of £120 in one go, told me they couldnt add it to my d/d
Hmm i pay mine monthly but A/F still wanted the payment of £120 in one go, told me they couldnt add it to my d/d

This one ill look into tomorrow when I get in to work. I certainly know there's no way we can start a credit agreement mid term, but I'm unsure as to why you couldn't change an existing one. It may very well be due to Premium Credit's (the credit agreement company we use) terms and conditions, which would most likely to be the case.

Is it okay if I get back to you on this one?
I've looked into this for you, the payments CAN be spread monthly but yoummust have at least 2 installments left to pay for this to be done. If this is the case for you, please pass me your reference number so I can look into why you were informed otherwise.


I've looked into this for you, the payments CAN be spread monthly but yoummust have at least 2 installments left to pay for this to be done. If this is the case for you, please pass me your reference number so I can look into why you were informed otherwise.



I had 3 payments left but the deed has been done so pointless pursuing it, thanks.
See...although flux won't insure me so.its all a bit pointless and theoretical for me anyway, i'm liking Ed and his attitude .

What are you Ed in Flux ......job wise i mean ?
See...although flux won't insure me so.its all a bit pointless and theoretical for me anyway, i'm liking Ed and his attitude .

What are you Ed in Flux ......job wise i mean ?

My day to day job is actually in the quotations department, I used to work on the modified car department as that's where my heart is in regards to my motoring interest. I then later moved on to the classic department.

When the oppourtunity came up to become involved in the owners club I jumped at the chance, and here we are today.

Also, on the note to Nath, I have emailed a supervisor in the suitable department and I will come back to you once it has all been looked into.


A/F have just let me know that i only had 2 payments left and the one was pending when i made the mileage adjustment.

As a goodwill gesture because i may not have been informed correctly at the time they are going to give me 15 squids cant complain tbh, Ive had a good price and good service when they dealt with the div that parked in my front bumper not that im kissing ass cos they is giving me money :D:D
Aaaaaaand they strike again.

Letter lands on the floor this weekend explaining i have to pay £471 within 7 days for the changes to my policy :| What changes? I only asked if how much it would be!! :mad:

That'll be another half hour wasted on the phone again this morning! Absolutely incompetent are some of the staff there! I feel i should ask them a few questions when i get through to make sure i'm not talking to a retard!
Aaaaaaand they strike again.

Letter lands on the floor this weekend explaining i have to pay £471 within 7 days for the changes to my policy :| What changes? I only asked if how much it would be!! :mad:

That'll be another half hour wasted on the phone again this morning! Absolutely incompetent are some of the staff there! I feel i should ask them a few questions when i get through to make sure i'm not talking to a retard!

Fire across your surname and postocde to me via a PM and I'll pass the details to the correct department telling them it was only an enquiry. Try and get this all sorted for you without having to call us.


I say ''Please contact my manager''... I like 110woman :D

See Ed , if you could just get Flux to insure me I could say I'm only coming here because of ED, give him a commision... but they won't so you won't get any either :p
See Ed , if you could just get Flux to insure me I could say I'm only coming here because of ED, give him a commision... but they won't so you won't get any either :p

Why won't we insure you? I assume they've given you a reason opposed to just telling you and leaving it at that...:confused:

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