Would you trust your TD4 to do 1200 miles over 2-3 days?

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We did 1200 miles in a little over 24 hours. Me & the wife shared the driving. Didn't miss a beat except we ran out of screen wash. I find it's mostly non necessary stuff that breaks anyways. Mechanically mines never given me a break down.
Back from Germany (near Bremen) and she didnt miss a beat. Kept her running between 2.5 - 3k rpm's and out of the way of the BMW/Audi missiles on the Autobahn ;)

Temps on the continent are sub-zero at the moment too :(

Fuel at 1.36Euro/litre = £1.10, lowest price I saw was 1.28Euros near Hook of Holland Ferry port :doh:
Hi Skynet, What are the current prices of diesel in the U.K.? Yesterday I paid euro 1,29.9 for a liter diesel in my town. :mad:

Some fellow members of the Belgian Freelander Club are taking part of the Convoy 4 Heroes. I'm sorry I am not able to take part.
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Despite me jokingly selecting option 3 on the poll, I undertook my first journey of any distance in my Freelander yesterday, 529 miles return trip £110.00 in fuel (I know), steady 60mph most of the time and did the journey as comfortably as most cars.

Car is still here this morning and regardless of what my "mechanic" neighbour said did not spontaneiously combust on the way. :D
Despite me jokingly selecting option 3 on the poll, I undertook my first journey of any distance in my Freelander yesterday, 529 miles return trip £110.00 in fuel (I know), steady 60mph most of the time and did the journey as comfortably as most cars.

Car is still here this morning and regardless of what my "mechanic" neighbour said did not spontaneiously combust on the way. :D

Let me guess, he drives a Disco and is married to his sister?
Hi Skynet, What are the current prices of diesel in the U.K.? Yesterday I paid euro 1,29.9 for a liter diesel in my town. :mad:

Some fellow members of the Belgian Freelander Club are taking part of the Convoy 4 Heroes. I'm sorry I am not able to take part.

Tell them to fill to the brim at the port. Approx 400miles on a Freelander tank will get them there and back without paying our heavily taxed prices ;)
Am about to drive to Germany and back over next 4 days so that will be about 1200 I reckon :D

Oh and its the second time of doing so over last 12months ;)
I would trust mine and it is a td4 auto with 164000 on the clock just make sure you check everything oil water even carry a bottle of water with you and everything should be ok and mine is a great freelander not a gay one and the owner thats me can spell unlike those who call us names because they are jealous of our nice seats and fuel savings
i wud trist mine and it is a td4 auto with 164000 on the clock jus mak sure ya check evrything oil watta. Carry a bottle of hairspray with you and everything should be ok and mine is a great freelander. A gay one, and the owner thats me can't spell unlike those who call us names because they are jealous of our nice seats and feul savings

:d :d

I am totally happy with the reliability of my Freelander.

That's why I drive 2500 miles or more in it to Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania three or 4 times a year. 5000 mile round trip and I'm as confident on those journeys as if I'm just going into town for a take-away. That's not to say I don't prepare for the journey of course.

I'm on my second Freelander - this one has 94K on the clock and I have no intention to change it as they don't fit the BMW TD4 engine any more. It's probably the best 2.0 litre diesel engine ever built. (It's Austrian by the way - not German.)

As for the Gaylander thing - the joke was funny the first thousand times - but now it's wearing a little thin. Especially as I frequently have to fetch out parts from the UK for the various 'real' 4X4s my mates are using here. They also tend to leave their bigger vehicles in the Balkans and either fly home on leave or hitch a lift in a more comfortable, more economic vehicle.

Comparing a Freelander to a Defender for example is just plain silly as they were designed for different uses. Of course Defenders can go places I can't, or tow 2 tonne trailers up a mountain. If I wanted / needed to do those things then I would have one.

There are several Freelander owner guys out here at the moment as part of the volunteer mine-clearing teams. I am saddened to think that the 'macho' types would be making fun of them for the muddy vehicles they drive around in. Their wives' wouldn't be too chuffed either I think.

Lay off - the jokes worn out. So are the ones about the big ones's owners having 3 thumbs and married to their sister's brother / auntie etc.

I have a sense of humour OK - but don't expect me to keep laughing at the same old joke.

Grow up and have fun - but not at the expense of needlessly ridiculing others.
Eeza gaylanderer, 99% of them don't have a sense of humour which is ironic when you consider what they drive;):D:D

OI Ive got a gaylander and have a sense of humour. it sux ass that its such a nice looking car (waits for derisive laughter to subside) im just gutted the build quality is so bad. its not the first 4x4 ive had but it just feels brittle and i think the guys ive seen on you tube greenlaning in them are very brave. its a really good concept spoilt by rovers build problems. i taxied in a diesel rover 75 for 5 years and put stupid mileage on it and the only things that broke were the rover ones. the beemer engine never missed a beat. ive just noticed ive got no abs light coming on either so just hoping its a blown bulb and hasnt been disconected to hide abs sytem probs. to sum up though. i really like the look and the concept but def wouldnt trust mine as it just doesnt feel sturdy like my other 4x4s.
More than 3,000 miles in 2 weeks to the Pyrenees & back including about 500 miles of hard offroading in the mountains with a very heavilly loaded Freelander.
See pics below -
I'm on my second Freelander - this one has 94K on the clock and I have no intention to change it as they don't fit the BMW TD4 engine any more. It's probably the best 2.0 litre diesel engine ever built. (It's Austrian by the way - not German.)

The best diesel engines are found in Peugeot (French) and Mercedes (German) if the Freelander had one of these in it they would still be smelly and anti social ( cos they'd have a doozle in em )
Buy a petrol and live the dream, just like me :)

BTW what is a Gaylander, sounds like a tractor accessory :hysterically_laughi
The G word is used by tratterers to describe Freelanders. Freelander owners shouldn't use it. Tis o'fensive to the use it and the word should be banned on ere.

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