Would you be interested in joining a Freelander club?

  • Yes definately

    Votes: 53 62.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 20 23.5%
  • Nope

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Yes and I would love to help run it as well

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • I have been driven mental by my freelander so Ive bought a defender!

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters
So does this mean there's going to be one, or are you looking for more to help run it?
Hi, I think from the feedback I've got most people are happy on here using the forum etc but maybe we could arrange the occasional meet or maybe the odd night camping where we can all get together and do freelandery things! :)
well those votes have jumped up a bit since last time I looked!

What do people want from a club, newsletters? stickers? meetings?

I think it would be pointless to try and do a forum etc as LZ does it so well.

Views, opinions, thoughts??

I agree, LZ is a great home for all things Freelander.
I know I kinda joked about stickers, but every time I drive past or park next to a Freelander I wonder if they're a forum member.
Occasional meets would be good also. It would enable us to compare our cars side by side, see what's good and what's not, maybe clear up a few misconceptions we weren't even aware of, etc.
More to talk about on the forum!
As a new owner a summer meet, camping?

Maybe attend Land Rover show as a sub club etc?

Newsletter not a bad idea?
I'm a member of UK Probe Owners Club, without the expertise and knowledge shared in that club one of my cars would've been scrapped, which would have been a tragedy, I think a formal club is a great idea.

In my experience 'know it all's' and 'show offs' don't last five minutes, genuine people who help other members always rise to the top.
is you lot gonna have a bonfire once a month to burn the worst behaved gaylander of the month :D
i could be tempted armed with me camera !
I'm a member of UK Probe Owners Club, without the expertise and knowledge shared in that club one of my cars would've been scrapped, which would have been a tragedy, I think a formal club is a great idea.

In my experience 'know it all's' and 'show offs' don't last five minutes, genuine people who help other members always rise to the top.

Yup ukpoc is a fantastic club the help and advise is great (still got my club t-shirt even though my last probe died nearly 2 years ago) the only thing really different about them and us is meets, events and a bit of regalia.

I would think that between all of us hippo folk we should have a sticker maker and a t shirt printer..... A little organisation of our resources and a design or two and we could have an active club within the landyzone.
Why we have Landyzone they do badges and stickers for those that want you could if you want organise play days diners dances whatever is your want through these forums.

Mind you paraphrasing Groucho Marx : I would not join any club that would have me
I would think that between all of us hippo folk we should have a sticker maker and a t shirt printer..... A little organisation of our resources and a design or two and we could have an active club within the landyzone.

I already offered to produce some window stickers based on (1) the LandyZone site banner and (2) WLJayne's "Help For Hippos" image, at a small charge but proceeds to charity.
The site owner asked me to hold off for a while for reasons which I'm sure will become apparent in the near future.

So watch this space...
Hey HTR - what you say to a LZ NZ Freelander 2015 Summer Rally. Somewhere like Twizel? I'll put the word out we should get heaps of people...

1) You
2) Me
2) There was bloke down in Dunedin - haven't seen him around for a while.

We can book out the High Country Lodge and have stickers knocked up just for the event.
Hey HTR - what you say to a LZ NZ Freelander 2015 Summer Rally. Somewhere like Twizel? I'll put the word out we should get heaps of people...

1) You
2) Me
2) There was bloke down in Dunedin - haven't seen him around for a while.

We can book out the High Country Lodge and have stickers knocked up just for the event.

:eek::D:D:D I hope you could hear my laugh! It would be better if we could meet on a farmers land where were can play off road. :p
stick to landyzone imho, it keeps the group together with banter between the owners of various models etc.

start splitting off into smaller factions and it will get boring

oh i am aware of the irony of this with the upcoming referendum also. :)
stick to landyzone imho, it keeps the group together with banter between the owners of various models etc.

start splitting off into smaller factions and it will get boring

oh i am aware of the irony of this with the upcoming referendum also. :)
And it could start a war.
I already offered to produce some window stickers based on (1) the LandyZone site banner and (2) WLJayne's "Help For Hippos" image, at a small charge but proceeds to charity.
The site owner asked me to hold off for a while for reasons which I'm sure will become apparent in the near future.

So watch this space...

Still watching.......

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