I just love the lightweight versatility :)

Apparently Bob is working on a scale model for loading it now.

Any info on the rest of the trailer Bob is there another thread or summat?

Nice rocket btw.
I have the trailer but not started the conversion yet. I need to make it longer and add outriggers to widen it passed the wheels first. Weather permitting I will do this outside over the winter and build the bodywork in the spring.
As its outside work only I will have to wing it a bit but am hoping to book some time off to attack the main shell. Problem is when. Its a lottery spring weather.

Few more days off next week so should get the stove a bit nearer. More as and when I get back in the shed.
Bit more roughing out this afternoon with the help of my 10 year old Nephew. He ran the pillar drill quite competently whilst I hacked at mecul like a ten year old :confused:

Cut the sides for the door frame and managed to blast them into place followed by several moments of grinding to make them look like I know what I'm doing. :oops:

door frame 10.jpg web.jpg

door frame 20.jpg web.jpg

door frame 40.jpg web.jpg

Then it was onto the door itself but completely winging it as I have no idea how the hinges, latch. rope seal and glass are going to cohabit such a small opening. Just decided to go big in the end and I'll try and make it look aesthetically pleasing later.

door 40.jpg web.jpg

door 50.jpg web.jpg

door 70.jpg web.jpg

Still got loads to do on it but hope to spend a full day on it on Tuesday so should at least have the door hung by then.
Its then a case of filling in the scars with weld and polishing them out again.

door 60.jpg web.jpg
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Looking good so far. Just looking around your work space I can see a lot of tools very like mine. That oil can for example. Wire cup brushes, grinding wheels, a roofing square. The only thing I haven't got is a piece of perspex with the protective film still on it. There's obviously some sort of workshop morphic resonance going on here.
Got back out this afternoon to hang mi door but had to finish the damn thing first.
Finished the straps on the back of the door to hold the rope seal between. They had already been drilled by my little helper on Sunday so just a case of firing molten mecul into them. Cunningly the inner ones are stepped in a few mill to take the glass.

rope slot and glass step.jpg

Then it was onto the hinges.

hinge pins.jpg

Got hold of some rope seal so used half of it to mock up the position and other various titting about. Ill keep the other half and fit it when I've finished thrashing it about.

door hung.jpg

Had a brainwave..................:confused:

Like the dragon cowls like this but.............................


If I where only Welsh.

Wonder if I can bend one of them into something like this............................


Thinking cap on, along with a few sheets of copier paper. :)
Found myself a six inch grid cover for the grate yesterday but I’m going to have to start watching the pennies. It’s getting out of hand this project. I’m over the £20 budget already.
Back to it later this week. I am scavenging bits to hold the glass in at the mo. As it can’t be stuck in I am developing stainless clips that will swing round like a picture frame holder innerer.
You should make em to sell on. You could get a good price I reckon but how many hours do you reckon a finished unit will take?
You should make em to sell on. You could get a good price I reckon but how many hours do you reckon a finished unit will take?
Not long on this one. Probably ten hours so far with another ten to do. It’s the bits that would be expensive en mass.
Most of the steel has been upcycled from other stuff but to buy in would make it rather expensive. Not sure my skills are up to any sort of warantee eever.

Just in time, the welding scabs are starting to fall off my arms so with a day off on the morrow it’s time to replenish them.

Can’t find a suitable elbow for the flue and I have decided to go 4inch so will be making a box for the back to turn the smook through 90 and up out the roof. Will try a little door in it anorl so I can wave a bottle brush through the soot now n then.
Probably going to take a little longer than expected this next bit.
While cutting up bits of 3mm to make the flue box I have come up with the idea of an integral damper to adjust draw. An extra day should cover it.
Well that was fun........................... :confused:

First job was to hack another lump out of the stove to take the flue box. Ere it is with crayon and everything.

round the back.jpg

...............and the cut

flue box cut out.jpg

Then on with the three mill with copious amounts of weld. The damper is hinged at the bottom (well welded onto a bar at least) so the whole thing had to be supported by a friction strip on the side so it didnt flap about at will and can be accurately controlled.

This is with the damper closed off

damper closed.jpg

And one with the damper half open.

damper open.jpg

Lots of titting about but it was worth putting it in now rather than fitting a butterfly in the flue itself.

Then I managed to get the inspection/cleaning trap knocked up and even tapped han ole but ran out of bothered.............

maintenance trap.jpg

............................. coz I was running out of time and wanted to finally weld the top on. It could have done with being a little bigger but it was all I had and the more thats overhanging the less it gets hot I suppose.

on to more.jpg

Next will be finishing the door and making and welding on a collar atop of the flue box so the flue can slide inside it. Against my better judgement I have spent money and have some 4inch stove pipe on its way but I cant make the collar until I can measure it accurately and make the pipe the male and the collar the female.

Honward an hupward.......................... :)
Hell fire. Just looking for valving for the air intake. Its been boosted to three inch and although I may never need the full bore I was looking at a quarter turn ball valve for easy adjustment. At sixty quid I will be coming up with an alternative :eek:.
Thats more time on the build but hey ho.
I am thinking of using the curved lump I cut out for the flue box. With a bit of beating it should slide back and forth over the hole. I just need to design a shallow box on the back to house it.

Its getting heavier................o_O
Hell fire. Just looking for valving for the air intake. Its been boosted to three inch and although I may never need the full bore I was looking at a quarter turn ball valve for easy adjustment. At sixty quid I will be coming up with an alternative :eek:.
Thats more time on the build but hey ho.
I am thinking of using the curved lump I cut out for the flue box. With a bit of beating it should slide back and forth over the hole. I just need to design a shallow box on the back to house it.

Its getting heavier................o_O
Look on the bright side, it won't blow over in the wind!:)
Talk about the kiss of death mentioning how long it was going to take :rolleyes: Having said that I have embellished a few things since. :D

One of which is the air intake damper. Being as tight as Brussels grip on our membership I have started to make one. Thurs another day I wont get back o_O

The first thing I did was take the lump of cylinder I cut out to make the flue box and beat it mercilessly until it fitted quite snugly on the outside of the tank without much of a gap.


This will slide across the badly burnt out hole you can see with slidey strip thingy technology. Something I picked up in Nam.

The first thing to do in such circumstances is search around the workshop floor and begin tacking lumps of steel round and over the trap to create a frame. Now coz I had offset the hole one needs to get ones slide rule out to calculate the angles needed to return the resultant boxing to line up with its future wall and the pipe between the two. Or it will look wonky. Alternatively you can wing it...................;)


Once welded into place with a piece extending round the open side of the tank its time to diligently fabricate holder innerers. These surprisingly hold in the plate when its in the open position and stop it falling on the floor. Poking a steel bar at one end and tack welding it on one can thrash holy hell out of it and bend it round the plate leaving a few thou for expansion. Tacking as I progressed I used the wing of a dragonfly to gauge appropriate gaps.


So after a clean up and a trim round the opening It works. I've run out of time for now as 8 days of work beckons before shed time returns.


Probably up to 40 hours build time now. God only knows what I'm going to add to it next :rolleyes:
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Got a few hours in before work already and managed a handle for the slider. My stove pipe az cum and I need sum mecul that’s thin enough to bend round it but ard enough to take the anger of a big numb Neanderthal.
Oh the technicalities. :rolleyes:
Talk about the kiss of death mentioning how long it was going to take :rolleyes: Having said that I have embellished a few things since. :D

Probably up to 40 hours build time now. God only knows what I'm going to add to it next :rolleyes:
whilst a very impressive build, a couple of sling points might help:)

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