
New Member
Why are freelander called "gaylanders" I have a problomic freelander but have noticed that experinced landy users call this a gaylander, WHY:welcome2:
Cos the butch macho tractor drivers don't consider Freelanders to be a real Landrover as it hasn't got lots of levers and buttons to play with. Just revel in the civilised comfort you have in your Freelander and tolerate their childish ways as they occaisionaly do have something useful to say when you can get them to stay on topic.
coz as MHM says its driven by hairdressers, mums and receptionists, and, well, it ent exactly a marvel in the muddy stuff!
Cos the butch macho tractor drivers don't consider Freelanders to be a real Landrover as it hasn't got lots of levers and buttons to play with. Just revel in the civilised comfort you have in your Freelander and tolerate their childish ways as they occaisionaly do have something useful to say when you can get them to stay on topic.

Thanks, just been enlighten

"butch macho tractor drivers" :D didn't realize a tractor drivers had names, thought they where loners you just drove past on roads and thanked them with a wave

learn somthing new today

thanks again:welcome2:
I reckon 'Gaylander' is because 'it' doesn't quite know what it is...it's not really a 4x4, and not really an off-roader - Stuck in between choices like a prospective 'Gay' may be...

Just a thought.

I should add, I like ours and still refer to it as 'The Gaylander' :)
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Funny thing is gay guys actually seem to prefer Defenders & Jeep Wranglers. Apparently they think that they'll have a better chance of meeting another "macho, roughty toughty type" who'll float their boat. Me, I'm sticking with my Freelander.
Funny thing is gay guys actually seem to prefer Defenders & Jeep Wranglers. Apparently they think that they'll have a better chance of meeting another "macho, roughty toughty type" who'll float their boat. Me, I'm sticking with my Freelander.
because the land rover designers, must have been limp wristed.
Oh and because they are crap off road.
gaylander has a ring to it, land rover transexual doesn't
Hippo drivers are sometimes called gaylander drivers because the tractor boys are jealous of the troublefree and comfortable drive these (Hippo's) deliver to their owners. No more no less. Have you ever seen a tractor driver with a gay (happy) face? No, they can't pull an happy face as with the archaïc suspension their cars has they risk to get their faces cracked. See below how well it's described:

gay (g
adj. gay·er, gay·est 1. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
2. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny car.
3. Given to social pleasures.
4. Dissolute; licentious.

Hippo drivers are sometimes called gaylander drivers because the tractor boys are jealous of the troublefree and comfortable drive these (Hippo's) deliver to their owners. No more no less. Have you ever seen a tractor driver with a gay (happy) face? No, they can't pull an happy face as with the archaïc suspension their cars has they risk to get their faces cracked. See below how well it's described:

gay (g
adj. gay·er, gay·est 1. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
2. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny car.
3. Given to social pleasures.
4. Dissolute; licentious.



look out harry hill yer jobs in jeperdy !!
they is called gaylanders because they are akin to a poncy cocktail they aren't a car and there certainly not an off-road vehicle (anyone want to argue you can follow me next time i go offroading)

where as a pukka landrover ( series, 90/110/127, defender, disco) is akin to a pint or a whiskey no messing around with fancy colours and flavours it gets the job done

or you could think of a gaylander as a vegie burger..... limp... tastes like crap
pukka landrover is a steak in comparison
where the feck is jeperdy.,...,,....,..........

buckshot is an old colonial guy who served in Burma, jeperdy is that small place near Mandalay, but with the new names everything is getting overthere the roadmaps run the jeopardy to become completely outdated.
they is called gaylanders because they are akin to a poncy cocktail they aren't a car and there certainly not an off-road vehicle (anyone want to argue you can follow me next time i go offroading)

where as a pukka landrover ( series, 90/110/127, defender, disco) is akin to a pint or a whiskey no messing around with fancy colours and flavours it gets the job done

or you could think of a gaylander as a vegie burger..... limp... tastes like crap
pukka landrover is a steak in comparison

Who needs going offroad if you can spend the afternoon in a cosey place sipping coffee and gossipping all the time ????:lvkiss-106:
Nowt wrong with Freelanders.

May the force of the hippo be with you…

…or pulling you out:


He bellyied out on the slope after taking the **** out of a disco driver he had just recoved from water. I was sat watching the recovery, then he got stuck. I was then asked to help. His mates wouldn't help, but were happy to take photo's.
don't know about others but my csw is neither slow or harsh ride. its a defender not a series ffs gaylander boy

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