It's only till you get one, you realise how many there are on the roads, common as muck, ours is the best though, as it has a mind of its own :)

I'm on the Hampshire / Dorset border, switching between Bournemouth & alderholt.

I spend a lot of time in Hampshire and other places wild camping, so I can often be found over your way :)
Another Basingstokian here, but no Landy to speak of. My name won't be a lie at some point! Hopefully this year!

The Mini in my avatar is in the garage with a broken heart (quite literally broken) so I'm driving a Beemer in the meantime.

Who was the Disco 1 or 2 that lost a wheel on Hackwood Road roundabout a few months ago?
Crack between cylinders 1 and 2, so head gasket isn't sealing. It's a 998 so tough as nails but I haven't had much luck with it. :(

I have a 1275 A+ from a Metro but it's all disassembled. Needs parts inspecting and loads of new bits buying for it. Pistons, cam and probably head as the one that came with it is worthless. That's all on the back burner for a while though. Be a good two or three years before that's back on the road.
I certainly did!:)

So first full day at home took the front bumper and a-bar off for a rattle can paint job. Bolts came out easily enough and managed and to get them back into those poxy clip things after about 20 mins of fiddling around! Certainly an improvement over how they arrived.

Loving the change from a Peugeot, should have done it years ago!!!

I'll sort some pics when is't not ****ing down........

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