I'm coming to LZ11 and would like to come laning on...

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blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
We're considering providing green laning in led groups on the Saturday and Sunday this year and it would be useful to have an idea of numbers so please vote in the poll IF YOU HAVE EVERY INTENTION OF COMING TO THE GATHERING.

As last year were aiming for a few hours gentle and non damaging pleasantness rather than a hardcore day of rock climbing and mud wallowing. There may be a slight grading of scratchy (paintwork not panel gouging) and non scratchy for the shiny motors.

Sibbertoft pay and play will be open on the Sunday for those that want to get down and durty :eek:

The poll is NOT multi guess, IS public and the BoB option is implied :p
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I will be manning the basecamp but Rob is taking my brood out laning ( because all their boyfriends want to go )...Sat is best for us as sunday will be taken up by packing our hundred tents away :eek:
Saturday please! We will have to leave mid morning on the Sunday to get back to Newcastle and for flights back to holland :)
Saturday for me please, although returning to Suffolk isn't as glamorous as Holland, or Newcastle for that matter.

Last year was a good balance of fun without breaking anything. I still have my tiny tyres, so fully expect to get stuck again:D
I don't mind either but as I will be (attempting!!) to put the awning up on the roof tent sunday may be best as i can take it off ready for home n stuff (i will require help with said awning as I am only 5ft 4" tall n struggle on the ladder!! :D
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We're taking the cake with us, for emergency sustenance and safety:lol:

Unfortunately following new health and safety regulations cake will not be allowed to be transported during green laning.

The danger of spilled cake is far too high and not worth the risk :p
Unfortunately following new health and safety regulations cake will not be allowed to be transported during green laning.

The danger of spilled cake is far too high and not worth the risk :p

We'll just have to eat it all before we go then:clap2:
Definitely up for laning on the Saturday if offroading is on the Sunday. :)

Will get some cheap A/T's for the laning as I think my BF Goodrich muds are too aggressive. :eek:
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Think I still have Ginge's routes from last year, so I'll check them on Trailwise for TRO's etc, and will be happy to lead again on the Saturday, and hope to do the PnP Sunday .. ;)

Might do 'my' group in the reverse direction to last year, lanes always look different the opposite way .. :)

And robbh, I only have one set of tyres, Malatesta Extremes, so I'll be keeping them on!
I'd like to give the laning a go, never done it before! I'll also have to try and get some a/t's- only got grabber tr's on at mo.

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