On the back of the tub bulkhead:


This photo was from before my rebuild but shows you the location anyway.
Hi guys thanks very much for the helpful answers. I have decided to either use a series wheel arch wheel holder or try to fabricate something as i really don't want it against the bulkhead it takes up too much of the room in the back
Been thinking of taking mine off the rear door and just had a thought, how about a swing up wheel carrier? Bar hinged inside above rear door, and a wheel carrier welded to it so when in down position, sits on floor. Some sort of pulley system lifts it up into the roof space. Might work for mine as only used as van.????
Mines thrown in the back of the 110 for now until I decide where to put it, fear of theft stops me from securing on the outside
What's wrong with on the bonnet? Or are you all shortarses who can't see where they're going with it on there?
All the defenders I have seen with the spare on the bonnet, have caused the bonnet to dent down. Which put me off that plan.
I like it on the bonnet (oo er!) but my mechanic says it turns it into an affective guillotine if the bonnet stays are weak.

I am yet to discover the joys of britpart, but any case with the part number I can ask my mate if he can make one to the same design.
Theres upgrade to the bonnet prop if fitting the bonnet mounted kit. It's a solid bar that slots into a hole in the rad surround. No chance of that failing easy
Had mine on the bonnet for nigh on two years and its never been a problem. Doesn't jump around if its fastened properly


its sat on rubber stops, so not sitting on the bonnet directly, the rubber stops bolt through the spar on the underside, so its sat on the strongest bit.

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