New Member
Got you thinking didn't it ;)

Just finished changing the head gasket putting everything all back, thankfully nothing left over :rolleyes: Ran out of light now as I wanted to start it whilst there was some daylight so I can check if there are any leaks etc,

So.... what was you feeling the first time you put the key in and started it:eek:

I would imagine the amount of times Gav has done it, its like second nature now:D

Total shock and amazement that water wasn't ****ing out everywhere :) Some 6K miles later still waiting for the dreaded red light to appear. The Rangies the only thing in life for me where the glass is half empty and not half full!
Still when you consider the gasket set is not much more than K-Seal, Bars Leaks etc,etc (which was my initial repair plan) it does give you a great feeling of satisfaction when it does sort the issue.
Relief! After the initial cranking while fuel pumped through the rails and the rattling as oil made it's way up to the rockers and tappets... after about 10 seconds when it all settled down and the sweet rumble of that V8... when the last of the spilt oil evaporated from the exhaust manifolds... and there were no more signs of coolant sprays from the lower inlet manifold front pipe... yeah, relief and the sense of achievement.

About 1,000Km later I am still nervous about a jump in temperature and that little red light, but that just comes with the territory of driving a Rover V8,

I love my carbon footprint!

Cheers, Paul.
i never bothers me to be honest, everytime i start it i wonder whats gonne cost me this journey but i dont panic. if it doesnt start i just fix it or use another car!

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