tthere are only two types of people in this world, ****s and bastards, personally i prefere to be a **** ;)
Stigs daughter here, will post photo of me & my boys v. soon!

Ok one cup of tea and a lot of chocolate later, photo is of Mojo, 16.1 10yr old (god He's getting old :eek: , not 5 mins since he was 5!!), do lots of x country and dressage. need to find one of other fella!!

Other pets will soon be a puppy - subject to planning permission from parents!!! ;)
Ahhh lets revive an old post....I have three Cats, three Dogs, a Beagle, (Peanut) a Shepherd, (Kobi) and an English setter ( Ida Bell). Also have several million bees...don't have an exact count on them and still working on the names, but so far most of them are named buzz even though they are girls.
i forgot to include me 3 ferrets and the wife's 100+ giant african land snails!
I have 2 pets, fat hairy pony (pic) and just out off camera shot was my Staffie

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