Wasnt aimed at you...twas aimed at the nooby slagging the site off...
Nooby LMFAO i was here before you ;)
Just because you have a higher post count means feck all in my book.
You guy's are funny, and i have ****ed me self at some of your post, but ffs have some respect for newb's who post questions that you may have been asked before. We are all into the same thing yeah? So why act as a self righteous arse?????
FFS I didn't realise you wore lycra:eek:, is that to hide the cellulite from all the chippie's n' pies:rolleyes: or is it the "LandyMan" disguise that's been in the press?
FFS I didn't realise you wore lycra:eek:, is that to hide the cellulite from all the chippie's n' pies:rolleyes: or is it the "LandyMan" disguise that's been in the press?

The licra stops my gut getting in the way of the steering wheel.:p
Nooby LMFAO i was here before you ;)
Just because you have a higher post count means feck all in my book.
You guy's are funny, and i have ****ed me self at some of your post, but ffs have some respect for newb's who post questions that you may have been asked before. We are all into the same thing yeah? So why act as a self righteous arse?????

He was pointed in the right direction...you have been a member since 2007...well done..but you take a 3 year break then come in slagging people off for not helping with a question you admit yourself is SSSOOO often asked that it ****es people off. See, even after 3 years away you knew that!

Welcome back...i hope you stick around and enrich the forum.
He was pointed in the right direction...you have been a member since 2007...well done..but you take a 3 year break then come in slagging people off for not helping with a question you admit yourself is SSSOOO often asked that it ****es people off. See, even after 3 years away you knew that!

Welcome back...i hope you stick around and enrich the forum.

Pssst... 2004;)
0.05 posts per day? well done stratie, think of all the noobs you've pointed in the right direction when they've asked the usual questions:rolleyes:
Nooby LMFAO i was here before you ;)
Just because you have a higher post count means feck all in my book.
You guy's are funny, and i have ****ed me self at some of your post, but ffs have some respect for newb's who post questions that you may have been asked before. We are all into the same thing yeah? So why act as a self righteous arse?????

Exactly right, we are all into the SAME THING, but ... and I repeat BUT ... it is just plain common sense to trawl the forum before asking a question and getting a "feel" of the place. FFS It was nearly 6 month's before I registered on LZ after initially finding it because I felt inept, but I searched like mad for info on what I wanted and decided it was a place were like minded people were.

Self righteous arse ... fck me ... I've asked for help on here on a LOT of occasions as I am mechanically cr@p ... BUT thank's to this forum and it's member's am now servicing my Disco more and more myself and relying less on my local Indy.

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