I could have done that...but you aren't going to learn jack **** if everyone does everything for you...this has been covered so many times...there are 2 search options...did you even bother to try and research your question?
I thank you frantic and apologies i didnt realise some people would be like that some times its easier to ask the question than trawl though hundreds of nonsense posts to find the answer that someone would have off the top of there head if you know what i mean

I have a sense of humour but i was interested in the tyre size for when i go off road is that a crime bobbler storm 99 ??
I could have done that...but you aren't going to learn jack **** if everyone does everything for you...this has been covered so many times...there are 2 search options...did you even bother to try and research your question?

See answer above

iam bored now so good night and thanks for nought storm99
some times its easier to ask the question than trawl though hundreds of nonsense posts to find the answer that someone would have off the top of there head

I'm sure the many people who have posted on this subject are glad you feel their knowledge/advice is 'nonsense'.
Mad Hatter there are questions asked and covered numerous times hence the "trawl though hundreds of nonsense posts to find the answer "

You will get lots of help on here but try doing a search first. for those who have 1000+ posts on here do you not think they get sick of answering the same question over and over?
OK looks like i got off on the wrong foot and ****ed people off for that iam sorry.

You learn something new everyday EG. use search so as not to **** off the old timers on this forum :D:behindsofa:
Fookin whippersnappers...the forum is as good at giving advice as it is at ripping the **** out of people...but there are some questions that are asked to death...unfortunately you hit the bingo button on your first attempt. Stick around...i'm sure you'll get your revenge at some point...
And me :mad: me fooking alarms never went off. FFS noob, stroppy, & the do not ask question!! and none of the fookers went orf. Might have to check the wiring?? :D :D
missed this too.So you offroading a lse?DONT put spacers on it.235/75/r16 was ok on me classic without lift n gubbins, wouldnt go bigger personally, but tthe lse wheels were bigger than std classics to start wiv
Bugger, missed it too - we coulda got some mileage outta this one with a bit more care!
I suspect the reason you arn't getting any help, is they belive you could find this information by doing a search...

Personaly, telling you rather than taking the **** would make this a nicer place..

I further suspect this is the same reason no one has helped me with my question..

just for info.. highlight bobbler's post, you'll find "why"

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