ya can get em on ebay for £30/£40 £200 is taking the **** :eek: I'll live with me dent I think :(
not so much today more the last two, but put on the wheel carrier, chequer plate on the rear and a coat of etch primer to the rear half


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finally got round to cleaning the mud from the inside, hopefully it wont smell of stagnant water any more:doh: also found out i need a new water pump, mines making a nice knocking rumbling noise:doh: put some 10k boost through it, so it drives a bit better now, and changed the battery in my fob so now i dont have to stand right next to the bonnet to open the doors:D
Took the diff guards off finally!hangover, crap weather and laziness had prevented me up to this point
Used mine to collect some coal.:)

gotta go on a mission to get some more firewood once i can be bothered to put the chain back on me chainsaw.:eek:
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stripped out the transmition tunnel and the center seat bulkhead plate,
managed to find out why the high low lever did'nt work :doh: transfer box end of the connecter rod snapped off :mad:
hardly surprise really the whole side of the box was rammed up solid with rock hard dried mud.
took it up me mates workshop and attacked it with his steam cleaner :D
managed to get it off and bugger me if he did'nt have his welder going so got him to welderize the 2 bits back together (yet another item ticked off the list :D )
arranged to use his workshop on wedesday night (and his plasma cutter ) to have a go at fitting the snorkel up the back of the cab :D
tax it tomorrow whahooo!! :D
Yu gonna be out on the 13th then??

lot depends on if i get me rear mounted snorkel up and running and the rest of the jobs sorted in time getting there though .
got a cb to sort too, might be a throw the whole lot together and tidy it all up as and when i get time.
need to see ya some time as i am struggling with the MM on the pda cant seem to get it to run in really time showing your location :doh:
lot depends on if i get me rear mounted snorkel up and running and the rest of the jobs sorted in time getting there though .
got a cb to sort too, might be a throw the whole lot together and tidy it all up as and when i get time.
need to see ya some time as i am struggling with the MM on the pda cant seem to get it to run in really time showing your location :doh:
on wednesday wen ya round at ya mates n hes got his plasma cutter out,get im t cut that **** bumper up.its a disgrace!!!
lot depends on if i get me rear mounted snorkel up and running and the rest of the jobs sorted in time getting there though .
got a cb to sort too, might be a throw the whole lot together and tidy it all up as and when i get time.
need to see ya some time as i am struggling with the MM on the pda cant seem to get it to run in really time showing your location :doh:

no probs pop round with it and I'll have a look Oh and update the satellites using the download option when ya pda is plugged into the laptop and online.
Just finished fixing my transfer box linkage and fitting a new difflock switch.
Now I can drive the car and the difflock light goes on and off!!!. Only cost me £14.00:D Much better than the £400 quote from the Green Flag man who recovered me last Wednesday and told me I needed a transfer box without even looking under the car.:eek:
Just got to get up early in the morning to put the inside back together so I can get to work (hope it's not too cold!!).

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