not so much done but got lol new roof and sides......sliding windows and two sun roofs in the lid (more to leak lol) £50 from 6 doors i need a dry day to swop over
Well what can I say desided that me, mrs and kids woz gonna have a nice pub lunch in derbyshire so off we went and doris desided to take camara. We stopped to take some snap shots of the view and low and behold outa the bushes apeared 3 landrover 90's. next thing they stop we get chatting. But now I have 1 V. dirty disco and 4 new best mates :D will post pics and video's in greenlane section shortley :D

And yes all tracks that desided to abuse my landrovers suppension are all marked byways open to all trafic tee hee !!! :eek:
Filled up at tescos for average cost of 95ppl :), played in a few puddles - nearly died laughing when I drowned a posh car trundling through the edge of a flooded road going so slowly his wheels weren't even creating bow waves (yes that slow!)... couldn't help myself and plowed through the deep side at ~25mph, you could see his face drop as he saw me entering the puddle!

Sorted my heated mirror out, found some numpty had pulled the crimped terminals off the end of the wires behind the glass - two new terminals and now toasty warm!

Had a bash at repairing the sluggish drivers window - found the door I got off ebay uses a different type of regulator to mine... :doh:
Checked rest of my door out, replaced a frame bolt which was too long and obstructing the rubber when refitting (bonus - problem solved - or so i thought)
Eventually resorted to landrover tactics and cut the rubber off just below the closed position where it was tightening up on the window... works lovely(ish) now!
Done absolutley nowt to my 90, it's still covered in mud from going to Kirton last weekend ;), just waiting on the rain to give it wash hehehe. Won't be able to play with it for a while now as i'm going in for an hernia op in the morning :(
got the snorkel more or less done the weekend
used 90mm water main pipe and fittings, all elbows are fused together (pressure tested to 16 bar :eek:)
was very hard work as there are only 45 and 90 degree bends


engine bay worked out a lot easier than i thought it would be


but the under side of the seat bulkhead was much harder (note the drain off bung at the lowest point


and up the back of the cab out of the way of all those nasty tree branches :D, just waiting on the air filter top for the stack pipe from fleabay
it looks well buccy.:D;)

thanks mate
was thinking have i done the right thing most of saturday , but came good sunday. and wont be knocked about too much its well strong have got to fill the holes in the bulkheads and rear tub but nothing a tin of builders foam wont cure :D

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