Picces of the snorkel yet?

i have taken some today but nt had time to download em yet,
so look out 2moro;)

then at the weekend i'm gonna take it back off an change a few bit's round coz i'm not happy with it:confused:

gotta get it right or it will bug me forever:rolleyes:
ok here ya go!






an here's the damage:doh:

Fook that pikey in the transit was a bit lost wasn't he. Or was he offering to tarmac the lane?? :hysterically_laughi
wropped an elastic band round the clevis pin on the handbreak lever as something is rattling and is driving me mental
well on new years eve was driving home when there was an almight bang follwed by loads of similar bangs and lost all drive forward.
pulled over and had a look under to find a fecked fromt prop, the gearbox end UJ had gone bang taking the spline end of the prop with it, this had then swung round and hit the chassis a few times leaving me with a nice dent.
had to wait for 3 hours with 2 mates int he 90 with no heating what so ever, and not even a rizzla to have a fag lol.
eventually got towed home at half 2 and when straight to bed lol, what a ****e new years.
at least i figured out why it was vibrating so badly, the bolts ont he UJ werent done up properly lol which was why it went boom, now its smooth as anything to drive, well as smooth as a 90 on muds gets lol
and it only cost me 15 to fix, rather then the 72 that brookwells quoted :(
what havent i done!!!, im turning the inside of my series 3 into something that resembles the starship enterprise! ive made a control panel which has 3 cigarette lighter sockets, with seperate on/off controler for each, plus a switch that turns on and off the control panel, i wired in a cab light with another on/off switch, i fitted a cd player and 2 6x9's (for when i break down and am waitin for the aa man!) which iv put in a homemade cubby box in the middle seat position, and also managed to make my lights not work! not bad for a weekends work, now about to make a snorkel...
well i finally managed to get round to showing you and taking some pics of my series 3 wish i had taken pic of it as it had come apart o and for fun heres my surprose shock absorber with a little hole in the side :D
I took me heavy duty springs off the back of me 110 and replaced them with some standard ones:)

What a dream of a job turned out to be, weather not too cold, nothing siezed or broken, cleaned and oiled the retaining bits top and bottom all whilst listening to Steve Wrights oldies on the wireless.:)

Wish everything was as easy as that.
Done feck all to mine all week... Was -5 today and there is still snow on the ground from monday :censored::censored:

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