making chassis plates ready 2 weld 2morro and litteraly hovered the crap out from were i am going to plate it
sorted all the lights out that have stopped working since I sorted em all out before. and fitted me Fog lamp oh and sorted the faulty wiring out.
today i have decided im gonna change the timing belt on me disco but not having the timing pins ect i have bought a set :D
Drained cooling system and refilled it with fresh OAT antifreeze.
Been reliably informed by a mate who works on the railways that we are in for some seriously chilly days/nights - possibly -13C!! :eek:
So I thought I better get the antifreeze tester out.........
gave it a clean then cut a whole in the wing to fit the snorkle, painted the bear metal then got dragged to derby to go shpping:mad:
fitted me new NATO hitch. Used a disco drop plate as a backing plate behind the rear cross member 1/2" thick (12.5mm for Robke) cut down and drilled the holes to suit.


Thought I'd paint it nice and bright to avoid whacking me leg on it and make it easier to see in the dark.

took a few more pics as well these are the seats I fitted to it recently.
fook all again still too cold here in chilly dorset,nice seats red where did you get them from ? as looking for some my self
fook all again still too cold here in chilly dorset,nice seats red where did you get them from ? as looking for some my self
Swapped em for a pair of disco 300tdi front seats they tilt & slide so quiet useful But I wouldn't recommend em in a defender. as you have to climb out over the side of em to get out. Also they're quite high sided, and the steering wheel gets in the way unless you put a smaller one in.
eh pikey you still owe me for those disco seats you nicked out of my garage...anyway happy new year.....feelin charitable and ur trucks finally looking almost roadworthy...worth the wait????:D

whatz all that about broken foot, you dropped a gas bottle??
No fell off the shed roof. yes finally got it ready for it's MOT. taken a full 12months but it's finished at last. just need Tax MOT & insurance now.
well had just finished getting it on the axle stands wen i was dragged to of all places the beach wich was cold and uncomfortable ad windy and wet n i just wanted to get back to wrk on the the vehicle
went laneing with spireite an didn't get stuck:clap2: :D didn't even get the tow strop dirty,
BUT went down chaplegate an slid into a bank an ripped the bumper end cap off an scratched the back quater panel an put a small dent in it:eek: :doh:

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