ooh i'm feeling a little bit chuffed with myself as i've done some adjustments to the rear door catch and it's not rattling at all - yet ..well silly not to try and mend it before i throw money at a new one eh!
Betsy washed after our trip up North , fast glass on all the windows , oil , power steering fluid levels checked and washer bottle filled.......well gotta have something to tinker on whilst i'm waiting for me apricot , nut and choccy flapjacks to cook aint eye ...:D
ooh i'm feeling a little bit chuffed with myself as i've done some adjustments to the rear door catch and it's not rattling at all - yet ..well silly not to try and mend it before i throw money at a new one eh!
Betsy washed after our trip up North , fast glass on all the windows , oil , power steering fluid levels checked and washer bottle filled.......well gotta have something to tinker on whilst i'm waiting for me apricot , nut and choccy flapjacks to cook aint eye ...:D

bout time yer did summat anyway.:rolleyes::p:D
Oi! you wind yer neck in ...:D
Go dig your old bus off yer drive and do summit with it eh ...cruelty to discos that is ...:p
not fair that aint.i walked past it and errr ignored it.what more does it need.:D

some TLC wouldn't go amiss...
Right smarty pants answer me this .....we are looking at winch bumpers ...like the ones with combined A bar to protect the rad , BUT where the hell can the number plate go? as most with an A bar seem to be tubular and not square?
some TLC wouldn't go amiss...
Right smarty pants answer me this .....we are looking at winch bumpers ...like the ones with combined A bar to protect the rad , BUT where the hell can the number plate go? as most with an A bar seem to be tubular and not square?

brackets on the A bar.ner:D
Need to pick up a tad more oil to complete her service, but everything else is done, just engine filters etc. afternoon well spent tinkering :)
I've added cruise control switch and changed my steering wheel to one with controls, therefore cruise control fully functioning!

I also took apart my centre console (to find copious amounts of dog/horse hair from the previous owner!) and drilled out all the rivets holding the guard over the broken bias plate to replace it and then pop rivet it all back in!

All in a days work ey?!
Given it a blast of Waxoyl after pressure washing it yesterday, should help the chassis stay in one piece :rolleyes: :D
Looked at fitting a Peugeot power steering pump to a lexus engine in my 90
some TLC wouldn't go amiss...
Right smarty pants answer me this .....we are looking at winch bumpers ...like the ones with combined A bar to protect the rad , BUT where the hell can the number plate go? as most with an A bar seem to be tubular and not square?

Most tubular ones have spot light brackets welded to the a bar, can use a bit af angle iron or similar to fix number plate instead of spots
stripped the steering box off the disco, cleaned n painted it ready for fitting tomoz, pressure washed the underside of the tub, attacked it with a wire wheel , rust treated n waxoyld....

finally managed to fit the fuel tank and tank guard, fitted longer bolts to the chassis so i can remove the tank guard and tank seperately should i ever need to.....

its starting to come together at last :)





cheers steve

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