Finished off the service Ive been fitting in between the showers and livestock chores.
Fuel filter, greased propshaft UJs, changed PSF, adjusted fanbelt, fitted headlight upgrade as suggested on Landyzone:cool:

Enjoyed starting it numerous times :D

Mounted the split charge display properly at last which is better than having it dangling out the dash.........only took a year to mount a bracket and buy a sticky pad :eek:
You expecting it to rain then :p

Last weekend in April, In the peak district. Nooo :rolleyes: probably get sunstroke?????? :p

Ere due to a radical change of plans (I bought a tent) I no longer have any use for the caravan awning frame I was gonna use, to make a tent for the back of the 110. So if ya measure the diameter of ya bed legs I may well have some tubing that you can use to extend the legs on it.
Went to treat a what I thought was a small spot of rust on the bottom of the drivers side door. After taking the internal panel off and a lot of wire brushing, discovered runs the length of the door and is a lot worse than I thought. Quick job might be a big job.

Hit my bloody wing mirror on a branch as i was speeding past (thats land rover speed). Now i gotta fork out a whole 6 squid for a new one! poo. ;)
Just fitted some reverse dislocation cones, looking forward to billing tomorrow to see how they get on!
Also got the multimeter out to see what's wrong with my ARB air compressor, think its the relay. Anyone had problems with them?

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