if yu still got an old track rod end - put 3 or 4 hacksaw cuts down the length of the screw threads, give it a good wire brushing to clean the threads and use it as a thread chaser to clean out the tube. Make sure yu wire brush the outside of the tube to clean out the slots as well.
Removed and replaced me injectors tonight. While ah was doin' it, ah had a couple o' drags of me E-cig - sat it down somewheres- started engine after swap- and lost the fecker!!!!:eek::mad::mad::confused::confused::doh::mad: Needless to say, ah'm well dischuffed!!!:mad::(Ah'll have a fresh look in the mornin' with a sober head;):D
Cheers for the heads up MHM, not even going to attempt to remove the new track rod ends but a great tip for the future:)
Nar :). First one I came too. Personally can't see the point in smoking. No benefits at all.

Aye true Daft, but unless ye've done it......;)
Me FIL was stayin' with us last night and never even noticed ah was smokin' an e-cig! He's an ex-smoker (40 - 60 a day) and hates the smell of baccie with a vengance! In fact he's had more folk thrown of the Stranrear to Dumfries bus fur smokin' than anybody!:eek::rolleyes:
He was one of those folk that just quit on the spot! Talkin' to him last night he said he just came back from France (lorry driver) with a load of his usual smokes a few years ago, went to take the sheet of the back and felt weird.. jumped into the cab, grabbed all his smokes and started passin' them to the other drivers.... never touched one since!;)
Changed brake light bulb, cleaned out fuel filter, replaced headlight washer, bought breaker bar & 27mm socket for wheel nuts and binned the ****ty wheelbrace.
its a toss up between tryin to suss out the heater & LPG problem or
Attempted to adjust out the freeplay in my power steering box. It made fekk all difference :( Gonna start saving for that recon one now...
Fitted the correct intercooler pipes and replaced the driver's seat frame as it was twisted. Too hungover to take her out.
Got the headlining out the Disco. Rear sunroof out. Water coming in between roof and sunroof seal. The LR seal is a piece of crap and I am not surprised they leak. Anyway, cleaned everything up and resealed with Tiger Seal. If anyone is thinking of doing this, put a dab of seal where the screws go. I could see where water was coming through these. Tested it with the hose and tight as a sharks arse. Job done.:)
was going to change my springs over to para's today BUT, because i'm a tit, didn't buy new bolts so couldn't remove the old springs.
then went on to change my breaklines for extended ones, this was all fine until i went to bleed the dam things!! had a blockage in the line which cleared itself buy squirting me in the face, then i snapped off a very stubborn bleed nipple, not the best of days!! landie out of use, back on the job next weekend!!
was going to change my springs over to para's today BUT, because i'm a tit, didn't buy new bolts so couldn't remove the old springs.
then went on to change my breaklines for extended ones, this was all fine until i went to bleed the dam things!! had a blockage in the line which cleared itself buy squirting me in the face, then i snapped off a very stubborn bleed nipple, not the best of days!! landie out of use, back on the job next weekend!!

I've had days like that mate. Makes me:mad:
cleaned the oil out me air filter (19j)
checked my glow plugs came out so i can get them replaced
tightened up all my hoses - finding out that the air box to turbo hose was being held on by hopes and dreams - so i thought to check the rest !
cleaned out 23 years of mud(i suspect) from underneeth it in the mud traps !
scrubbed the mould/algae off the roof
pressure washed the underside
took the spare off the rear door and fitted it to the bonnet again

spent today rewelding my dads trailer - solid as a rock now ! - was only partially welded - its now seem welded all along - practicing my welding for my chassis ;)
Not today, but yesterday I:

- Tried to remove the towbar - no chance, needs an air gun :(
- Washed it - there's a first, looks nice clean though! :)
- Cleaned & hoovered the inside :)
- Found both front footwells to be soaking wet :mad:, so applied layers of the FT to absorb the moisture
- Fitted the "Range Rover/Vogue SE/V8" decals to the tailgate that have sat in my garage for months - only for the clear vinyl top layer to pull the paint off the poorly-resprayed tailgate! :mad::mad:
- Fixed the electric drivers seat switch that until now would only recline but not go back up - result! :D
- Replaced the sodden FT with multiple copies of the Telegraph, seemed drier this morning despite heavy rain :)

Things are never simple with RR's, are they?

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