the shower? i think its going to go in the bathroom its a self contained unit all bar the pump which is meant to go under the bath (if i remember right) its been in the loft for about 5 years lol
the shower? i think its going to go in the bathroom its a self contained unit all bar the pump which is meant to go under the bath (if i remember right) its been in the loft for about 5 years lol

no!! :doh: the pump, best in the airing cupboard and fit a outlet for it in the top of the cylinder
no!! :doh: the pump, best in the airing cupboard and fit a outlet for it in the top of the cylinder

as i say its been 5 years since i looked at the box...... i will have a look when i can be arsed........ it may even be one of them heats the water its self jobbies
Just drove mine tae pick up the turkey. Thought ah'd take the camera with me this year as last year was fun tryin' to get up to the farm!
There's a long twisty steep drive to try and get up and usually quite hairy if it's bin snowin'... this year the bastid gritted it!!!!! :doh::doh::doh:
Yesterday I gave it a wash and spent another day playing in the snow. as I couldn't see out of the windows. Today I tightened up the jubilee clip on the bottom hose after spotting a couple of pink splodges in the snow while on a breakdown.
went out too play near newbury on some lanes in the snow... slippery as fook, rather dark but oh so much fun!
Just wound all the winch cable out for the first time (rather a lot of it too!), check it for flat spots (5 or so) & broken strands (none), coated it in 40-grade engine oil and wound it back on to the spool very nicely indeed!

I even managed to rope someone in to help with the re-spooling & oiling........... d'ya get it? "roped in".......
replaced the light bulbs in the dash - using a maglight to see what temp and speed im at gets wearing fast .... found 4 out of 5 bulbs were smashed !
glow plugs yesterday

mud flaps and rear bump stops today

todo prop uj's, rear dif pinion flange, rear brake callipers, cambelt, check water pump and clean inter cooler, get de-cat pipe and wax oil after i repaired the holes in nearside sill

plenty to go as you can see lol
De-iced the beast, then went out to work on the landy... . Changed some bulbs, checked and cleaned iffy earth points, new split pin for the bonnet arm, replaced a couple of glass fuses and finally, after a cuppa, did a quick mooch online for a knackered Disco to get a replacement engine for my 2.5DT. Oh, happy day.
today i'm considering sticking the bull bars back behind the garage as the person who e-mailed me about them hasn't got back to me........
Well yeasterday as I was bored I stripped my eberspatcher as it was not burning right and got a shed load of carbon out of it .... Got heat in the landy again :D

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