Won some Boost Alloys and BF Goodrich tyres on the fleabay, now waiting for the seller to arrange deliverey, bye bye pram wheels!
So here's how it looked at the start of the day, about 1pm



And then I set about dismantling the stupid thing.....

So seatbox, footwells and seats out




Fuel tank also came out as I'm making one to sit in the pickup bed





So with all the **** out of the cab I got cracking with the gearbox and yes it is possible to lift the gearbox and transfer as one by yourself with just a towing strap over your shoulders. So handbrake drum off followed by the props and slave then away you go







Then a quick tidy up and done



So left to do tomorrow is to chop up the bulkhead and thats me done until I get the clutch and new flywheel
2door freelander, fitted a roof bar, power washed engine bay, removed bash plate/ sump pan just so i could tighten alternator belt, broke h/brake cable while making sure it didnt role back of the ramps. :puke:
Last drive for a wile today... gone in for a new head gasket... or possibly head :( See what he finds ? !!

Got me motor back today :) Nice to back behind the wheel of a Landy :)

Not running to sweetly though :confused: Had to swap the head for my spare...
so don't now if some old **** has got on a valve seat some were... not much power (less than usual) and sounds 'lumpy' (best way of describing it).
Will take the rocker cover off tommorow and check the rocker clearance's... one might have opened up... we shall see...
Been to collect me noo Cubby box. I'd post a pic but my the fooking blackberry & the Laptop have decided to ignore each other. :mad:
email the pic from your phone to yourself, then open the email on your laptop.... :)

it works for me :)

Fones are for foning peeps and sending txts. & taking crap pics with the ****e camera.

Pooters are for sending and receiving Emails. Not fones.

None of my fones have emails, BBM or internet set up on them. Have tried using fone for internet once. It's ****e. by the time it's loaded a page and you've zoomed in close enough to be able to read the thing. there's been another 20 fooking posts made.. :mad: If I wanna go on net I have 2 netbooks and a Android tablet (Anuffer useless piece of ****e)
Fones are for foning peeps and sending txts. & taking crap pics with the ****e camera.

Pooters are for sending and receiving Emails. Not fones.

None of my fones have emails, BBM or internet set up on them. Have tried using fone for internet once. It's ****e. by the time it's loaded a page and you've zoomed in close enough to be able to read the thing. there's been another 20 fooking posts made.. :mad: If I wanna go on net I have 2 netbooks and a Android tablet (Anuffer useless piece of ****e)

are you related to the beverley hill billies :hysterically_laughi
are you related to the beverley hill billies :hysterically_laughi

Nope I love gadgets got 2 netbooks Bluetooth GPS, blackberry fone. onboard Dash cam. and a few more bits and bobs. But I can't stand things that are ****e at what theyre supposed to do. Anyone who says browsing the net on a fone is great. Either has very low expectations, or is a fooking idiot. Or owns a Brick of a fone. Why would anyone wait 5 minutes for a page to load and then squint like fook at a 2" square screen? When they can have a 10"+ pooter screen and fast scren refresh.

All this smart fone crap is just that, crap. If ya smart you'll wake up to the hype. they've sold ya ****e and you've fallen for it.
Stripped the rear wiper motor down and loads o orange fell out!:mad:

Tried everything i own to fasten the magnets back to the motor housing...nah luck!

New motor it is then me thinks........more bloody money!
Just been driving in very deep snow up a steep lane. Got to the top but then the wheels started slipping and sliding. Engaged Diff locks and managed to slide the Defender round but could not reverse up the hill. I noticed when diff lock engaged I had the front right wheel spinning and the left rear. Is that normal. I thought when diff locks are engaged all four should be spinning?.
Just been driving in very deep snow up a steep lane. Got to the top but then the wheels started slipping and sliding. Engaged Diff locks and managed to slide the Defender round but could not reverse up the hill. I noticed when diff lock engaged I had the front right wheel spinning and the left rear. Is that normal. I thought when diff locks are engaged all four should be spinning?.

Should have put difflock on at the botom of the hill you might have made it up 1st time. Why would you try to reverse up??? all the weight is transferred to the downhills side and the rear end loses all traction.

As to difflock not working try :search: on how ya difflock works. How do you think an axle that has no difflocks could possibly lock it's diff?? How many diffs does a landy have? how many difflocks? where is that difflock located? It helps if you try to think about how summat works, before you assume that it's not working.

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