Swore at her alot -

1st thing- got called out on job by police to assess someone in a car in a field ( long story-dont ask)- police gave detailed instructions of how to get to said field- lots of farm tracks, (closest thing ive come to green laning)- so far so good- but police operator had omitted to mention that farm track took you over a ford to get to field- prob not a problem most of time- after a weekend of heavy rain- looked more like River Avon, it was that fast and deep. Police operator also ommitted to mention that to get to other side of ford involved a 50 minute drive in heavy traffic thru town. Finally got to said field and could see where we'd been on opposite bank of ford about 50m away

2nd thing usually have to park miles away from my base in the hospital ( and pay for privalage too, but different winge), takes bloody ages to walk from staff parking spaces to my office today tho miracle occured- coz of school hols space available just spitting distance from office- good news you'd think- would have been great if i hadnt been on automatic pilot when i finished and walked alll the way to usual spot- only to panic when beast wasnt to be seen, then remember and walk back swearing all the way- only made better by the pouring rain which accompanied the walk.

Went to start the V8 which has been stood for a week. Kicking but no go, tried choke but think I flooded it, left it and then tried no choke and some gas but no go. Went home in disgust. **** it..:mad:
went over and picked up the old 90 from the workshop runs sweet as a nut (if a bit noisy without and silencers on it :D)
fitted new(ish) steering lock and bodged stalks back in place for now. No shroud, but hell - it aint critical :D. Looks like its a runner again.
Today I was mostly making up some box section sills/rocksliders. Measured sills at 60mm, had 50mm x 100 box, so added a strip of 10 x 25 box ... ;) Going to fit 'em after next weekend, if they fit OK!

Pics tomorrow .. ;)

Pics of Sill assembly ....



Think they'll slot straight in but might need some BFH persuasion ... ;) It'll save buying/making extra rocksliders later and means I can get rid of that silly plastic water/****e trap that fecked the original sills up ... ;)
greased up the tail door slider thing, it actually moves nicely now, gresaed up doors and adjusted drivers door to shut a bit tighter. Checked rear brake pads, VERY LOW, best order up some new ones
Kicked it, cursed at it and generally got really ****ed off with it!

On the way to Derbyshire, towing the caravan and it starts to feel wobbly .. like the rear axle wasn't connected. Pulled over onto hard shoulder (M1) and checked wheel bearings, all wheels tight, props/UJ's good etc, checked caravan, all looked good so thought it was maybe strong gusts of wind and I was getting paranoid or a wimp so set off again.

Almost immediately same thing, so pulled over to services. Again all looked good, couldn't see anything wrong, so carried on, this time off the motorway going through Chesterfield and it kept happening sporadically and eventually pulled over to where I could get a good look underneath. Smelled burning when the doors were opened, and nearside hub was red hot! Nothing to see though but decided to turn for home and drove home at 30 - 40 mph.

nearside Rear up on axle stands, wheel off and grease spattered on inside of wheel. Still turning and feels fine, no wobble at all .... until I pull the wheel and turn it, then it graunches and squeals and locks up!

So it looks like wheel bearing and seals at the least, probably new brake pads too 'cos they're contaminated and looking at the discs I might also renew them. Did the caliper pistons a while back so they're fine.

There are days when, although I love Landrovers and my Disco in particular, I also bloody hate the damn things ... )
finnaly removed my bloody full headling out of my defender was a right bastid:p ready for the roll bar/hoop if the rain stays off :D
I've laid Mine to rest on the front path cos the poor thing failed it's m.o.t and can't come to the lakes for some easter Fun. front wiper motor can be sorted but havin issues tracking down the cause of the high CO2 reading. no faults, runs fine. mechanic has thrown the towel in and recons its a re-map thats required. any ideas?
Continued to remove the TD engine. Undoing the lower bellhousing nuts; pretty much ready for the engine hoist and trolley jack now.
Bought mine some Easter presents - air, oil, and fuel filters.

Fitted the air filter as it was a 2 second job. Need to borrow tools and a flat space to do the others :-(

Also nearly found what I now know to be a fuel leak................
Just pulled the wheel off and all looks good, hub feels fine, disc looks fine so I started to hope and thought well, I'll pull the half shaft ,, Oh no I won't!!

Half shaft feels fine, diff feels fine, but when I try to pull the half shaft out of the diff as soon as you feel it leave the diff splines, the hub 'collapses' and half-shaft won't move any further. Hub can then move up and down about an inch or so!

Looks like a full hub replacement!
fixed the headlight(emptyed lake water out of it) made the rear lights work, booked it in for a mot

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