Yesterday ah stuck in a set of Defendoors' speaker housin's...
look for the arrows so's ye can stick them back together properly...




if only i'd come on here first,

changing my rear prop dounut for the 2nd time in a year and a nut was spinning inside the bloody trans brake!! so i slipped it off the f**ked dounut and slipped the prop off the UJ so i could angle-grind the nut off, well changed the dounut (mmm i'm hungry now) and do i slip that bit back in, banged it in couldn't move it, so i tried to remove it, couldn't, so i tied it to the back of the disco and the front of my brother vitara and drove away , i'll look for the arrows now i know about them!!

well had another go at my rear prop, looked for the arrow, none on mine!!!
cleaned the sliding joint out and kept turning it a spline at a time until it fell in and slid :p

some pics of mine sliding incase you don't have an arrow this is how mine is



note grease nipple in line with yoke!!

the rubber dounut fitted


i also re-wired my brothers vitara removing the stalkes etc and wiring the wipers and washers into switches
Made a steering guard for the p38 today from some 8mm steel I had lying around, not really sure why, just bored and because I could! And it'll protect its soft dangly bits, and it looks good, I'm well chuffed with it I'll maybe even go to the effort of getting a photo on here, might make some diff guards from the same stuff tomorrow if my enthusiasm holds out! I haven't seen another p38 with a steering guard? I heard they're available but dead expensive, so I made my own! That'll knock a few mpg off! Its heavy!
took mine to the repair shop today - insurance company said I had to - they wont let me do it, now I'm ****ting meself as I've never heard of a D1 being repaired after and accident they always seem to get written off, mind you I might make a few quid on a buy back:)
took out all the carpets yesterday as i got them very wet on sunday, chucked them in the incinerator and went to buy some rubber matting from machine mart today, got the q-rust out, found loads of leaks, gonna sort them before i hammerite the floor then when its dry fit the matting, that way the next time i get it full of water i can take out the matting and wipe it out with a cloth and it won't rot the floor.
job sorted:D
drove mine around picking up parts to repair ****box (my lightweight) and gave it a jetwash on the way back :)

Si, your anderson connector went in the post today, 1st class


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