its just the pump - and its off a series - so I dont know if it would fit a deepender.

oh - an its in the for sale section :eek:.
got me snorkel , so been fittin that this afternoon :D


oh and if you look closely you might notice a gun barrel peeping over the gate at the end of the path there :rolleyes: for any teevin coonts getting any ideas about borrowin it!:mad: it wont come off either have made sure its a perminant fixture !!


oh and a special thanks to ratty for spotting it on fleabay for me and good old pikey for arranging pick-up and delivery yer both stars :)

No probs mate.:)

Has it got just the one pillar mount or is the other one hiding?

It looks well bling
No probs mate.:)

Has it got just the one pillar mount or is the other one hiding?

It looks well bling

yeah just the 1 pillar fixing but it is fookin solid mate i sealed it with a good silicone but did'nt tighten it all the way so the mastic will set then will tweek um up a tad in the morning
sean it was a second hand job ratty found on fleabay for me looking at it i think it could be a 1 off hand made job (certainly have'nt seen 1 like it anywhere else ) sorry bud :rolleyes:
removed roof rear door an side panels off the 90 an fixed that leakin sunroof on the new lid

anyone want a hard top no windows roof? an side panels in good shape
I fitted my rear door lock, fitted my trailer board to the roofrack, got my brake lights working, did a bit of wiring and half finnished my snorkel mounts. and I missed out on the lanes in Essex today oh well! Jai
greased the boot door handle and re-fitted the landrover badg that I found in the boot while I was tidying all me tools away then took it for a wash..
used it for what it was built for :rolleyes:
oh and dipped the snorkel a tad (wet the babys head so to speak, well bottom actually :D )

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