only about a days work to complete the n/s - if i can persuade my "persuader" to kick my arse into gear.

Thanks Daftlett.:D

"persuader" says :

:D:D.....arse kicking commences......:D:D just gotta keep chanting ..."i will get tufftee fixed"..."i will get tufftee fixed"....

.. only 1 day left u rekon ??? ;)

.....will see what other bits of clothing i damage of yours :doh:

pst......your welcome :) ...least i can do ...seeing as it me who has been taking you away from your Tufftee-ing work though...
"persuader" says :

:D:D.....arse kicking commences......:D:D just gotta keep chanting ..."i will get tufftee fixed"..."i will get tufftee fixed"....

.. only 1 day left u rekon ??? ;)

.....will see what other bits of clothing i damage of yours :doh:

pst......your welcome :) ...least i can do ...seeing as it me who has been taking you away from your Tufftee-ing work though...

Keep up the good work.:p

Yer mums rolling pin hovering close to his head should help anorl.;):D
tried to fit the new windscrren and cracked the b@stard, then tried to fit the second spare one and couldnt get it in either, oh the ****ing shame of it!
Buffed the welded bits smooth....




Then ah mixed up some paint with thinners and hardner then poured it intae the bulkhead after tapin' up all the holes again. Gave it a good roll about inside and drained most of it out. Then ah lay the bulkhead flat on it's front so most of the paint will be on there...



not done owt to mine
an won't be able to till we got the brother-in-laws sorted:frusty:

his clutch fork has snapped too, on the way home from work yesterday, in the middle of one of the busyest round abouts in nottingham
caused a hell of a tail back of traffic, an it took ages for the recovery to get to him.

so gotta fix his before we can fix mine:frown:
I've driven to work and back at lunch. Then taken a group of kids in it this afternoon to an indoor climbing wall.
got the second windscreen in and then noticed a small chip in the middle of the drivers side, WHY DOES JESUS NOT LIKE ME????
i fooked up!:mad:
backed into a van (just been resprayed :()
no damage to the van thank ****! just broke a indicater lens and bulb :mad:
what a numpty ! had some twot trying to back around the corner towards me, split second of thinking wtf is he doing and crunch
luckily i have a second 90 to canibalize from :D
i fooked up!:mad:
backed into a van (just been resprayed :()
no damage to the van thank ****! just broke a indicater lens and bulb :mad:
what a numpty ! had some twot trying to back around the corner towards me, split second of thinking wtf is he doing and crunch
luckily i have a second 90 to canibalize from :D


they're diffent lights.

Your TD5 has all in one lights. Your TD has seperate lenses. If you pull the remnants of your old lense plastic out the groove with a pair of pliers the TD's lense will fit.;)

sounds like you were lucky not to do any more damage to your landy.:)

they're diffent lights.

Your TD5 has all in one lights. Your TD has seperate lenses. If you pull the remnants of your old lense plastic out the groove with a pair of pliers the TD's lense will fit.;)

sounds like you were lucky not to do any more damage to your landy.:)

the lens was so shattered it came away farely easy it was'nt a big bumb i just saw what was happening a spilt second too late i'd braked just soon enough to save seriouse damage + i hit the plastic corner on the van

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