Did some of what it was made for :)


Today I managed to fix my non-functioning tailgate window.

A lot of stripping interior trim, bleeding and swearing, finally it proved to be a relay that had worked loose. Put it back in and hey presto.

Also washed down all the interior and got 60%ish of all the dog hairs out. Then it got too hot, so went and drank some tea

All in all though, result!
What did I do today?

Not lose any coolant! Think I might have gotten away with that head gasket change!
I had to send my 2004 FL1 to a specialist garage because i couldnt remove the crown wheel from the IRD. Got it back today and i now see why it was hard to remove:

Scuffed the textured stuff off of the heater knobs and gave them a coat of black paint.

Also managed to polish some of the scrape marks out of the rear window.
Fixed my back window wiper which was rubbing paint off the tail gate



I cut a thin wedge off of the arm



Which gave it enough room to miss the paintwork


I'm not quite sure why this happened as I couldn't find a reason for it, all I can put it down to is maybe over a few years the arm has twisted a little (with very little tailgate clearance) due to heat from the sun???
Finished the roof rack and added the spotlights to it. The first of many lighting modifications to come over this summer.


Interested to know how well the lights work up there - how much light spill through the sunroof? Haven't fitted lights to mine yet.

Looking good.
The lights are really bright, like daylight down country roads. Not too bad with it coming in through the sunroof but you can see them in the rear view weirdly. Also, thanks for the help with the rack :D

Started cleaning up the hitch protector... then realised I only had "back off you ****" white hammerite available:

While I was ruining a brush anyway (the joys of hammerite) and I had it jacked up from doing the cocking-a-leg vcu test, I thought I might as well start to put a coating on the fuel tank cradle. Wouldn't be surprised if the hammerite ends up stronger than the metal:
Winter driving in southern NZ
#1 Kingston, southern end of lake Wakatipu [south of Queenstown]

#2 Skippers Canyon turn off, the road disappears up to the right - no turning for 6 km and very narrow and windy! - near Queenstown just off the Coronet Peak road

#3 Looking back - Arrowtown in the distance.
Winter driving in southern NZ
#1 Kingston, southern end of lake Wakatipu [south of Queenstown]

#2 Skippers Canyon turn off, the road disappears up to the right - no turning for 6 km and very narrow and windy! - near Queenstown just off the Coronet Peak road

#3 Looking back - Arrowtown in the distance.

Lovely pics Alan :)

Great to see you getting out and about on the white stuff! Has the Freelander impressed you after all your work to get it back on the road and back to 4WD?

Shall be down Twizel/Otematata way in a week for a few days fishing and golf with my boy before he heads off to the UK and Europe for (hopefully just!) a couple of months.

We usually get the golf courses to ourselves this time of year down south. Not many nut cases trying to find green, everyone's after white! Couple of pic from last year on the same round at Otematata...

#1 Waking up to -7 with the freezing wind overnight having stuck the snow flurries to the car


#2 Did a couple of hours fishing up on Benmore Dam, the weather was good, so took the 5 min drive down the hill to the golf course, to be met with less than ideal condiitions


#3 So off to the cafe for a coffee and pie, then back to the course, much beter :)


You should get yourself down here Alibro, the currency is going in the right direction for you - my boy is ****ed off at the mo cos he's 'lost' about £400 since he decided to take his trip to the UK, so that means its good for anyone coming here! Consult your LZ buddies when planning your trip - we might be able to help you get the best from your trip. There's only 4 million of us in this country the size of the UK - so it can get a bit lonely at times and its nice to see some new faces every once in a while :)
You should get yourself down here Alibro, the currency is going in the right direction for you - my boy is ****ed off at the mo cos he's 'lost' about £400 since he decided to take his trip to the UK, so that means its good for anyone coming here! Consult your LZ buddies when planning your trip - we might be able to help you get the best from your trip. There's only 4 million of us in this country the size of the UK - so it can get a bit lonely at times and its nice to see some new faces every once in a while :)
Would love to Grumpy and might some day but money's tight so afraid a week in Majorca will be it for this year and maybe the next couple of years. Flights alone from Belfast are around £1200 each.

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