My boot locker carpet had already been cut around the top and a drainage hole drilled into the floor by a previous owner - so i lifted out the carpet and put some polystyrene strips down leaving a channel for the drain hole, put some poly sheeting over that and up the sides to separate the top carpet - dried out the locker carpet and put it back - a bodged job that now might work - we'll see if it keeps dry, might be able to use the space now fingers crossed.
As I've decided to keep my hippo for a few more years, I've been replacing all the bits that fail after years of use. VCU last month, complete sunroof yesterday, gearbox fluid refilled last week (6months after recon)..... I may get around to the solenoids mentioned above too.

What did it cost you Fugit?

£120 plus the solenoids (there were two which he changed) both from Rimmers. I did look into doing them myself but following what Hippo showed and his advice decided against it; knowing my luck it would have all gone Pete Tong, which is just as well as it took best part of 3hrs. I think he drops the gear box off? Well worth it as the difference is remarkable, didn't realise how bad it was. Can barely feel it change now. I'm now driving it more than my ZT despite me only getting 20mile/gal.:eek::eek:

Changed the coolant bottle, it had split all around the filler cap, poss' reason I was losing a small amount of coolant perhaps?
Thought I'd investigate the slight lack of low rpm torque coupled with a slight tremble at wider throttle angles. I decided the VIS motors would be a good place to start, particularly as there was no MIL or OBD2 faults logged. I stripped the Power Valve motor first. It quickly become evident that it had been stripped before with some crude soldering on the motor board. I cleaned up the solder and checked the motor function, all was well so I sealed the casing up and refitted the motor.
Next I removed the Ballance VIS Motor. On stripping I noted that it hadn't been apart before and was 1/4 full of oil. On closer inspection I found a burned out track on the motor board, the track feeds power to the electric motor which was obviously drawing to much current. I stripped down the electric motor so I could clean out a build up of oily muck. Once it was clean, I reassembled the motor into the VIS housing. I then drilled a 0.6mm hole in the lowest part of the housing to allow any build up of oil to drain away. This hole will also allow a small amount of air into the VIS motor casing which will help keep the oil out.
I took the Freelander for a spin once it was back together again. The low RPM torque was back and the slight tremble was gone. In all well worth the effort.
Discovered an orrible vibration at low speed which I've yet to investigate :(
Update. I've checked the front drive shafts, it's looking like the offside shaft's inboard tripod joint has failed, there is a lot of play and noise when grabbed and shaken. So I'll be ordering a new shaft. :(
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Replaced the PCV with the Dyson type and fitted a Pipercross air filter. Struggled to get the cover back on.

Then found the snow cover hiding the fuel filter. Located the bolts. Undid the easy one, but the other one was fairly well rusted up and took about 45 minutes to undo!

The rear part of the metal strap had come away from the base which didn't help. The rivets had corroded.

Then I pulled off the earth lead from the filter housing and it fell off.


Rang Land Rover to discover they want £385 plus VAT for the whole assembly.

Decided I would look into it a bit more rather than shelling out loadsadosh.

Bought some Hammerite and some long rivets. I have painted the straps after wire brushing them.
Tapped the captive nut and used a die to clean up the threads on the bolts.
I could not find a new earth , so bought some stereo removal keys which will do the trick once cut to size.

I'll refit everything tomorrow.

I hope I fit the pies the right way round!!!!

I also noticed an extra electric plug, taped to the cables by the fuel filter assy. What is it for?
Scraped the rear nearside door on a bollard at asda's today, dented in and scratched not the sort of customising I wanted :doh:
Finally fitted the new fuel filer after having repaired the snow guard and fixed the earth lead.

Took a while to start but it was nice and even/smooth when it did. Hopefully that means I got all the fuel connections the right way round!!!!

So, a simple job to replace the fuel time.
Put some new tyres on the front as they had worn out on the inside strange thing is they said the tracking is spot on, didn't have much choice as I needed them today and everywhere was saying they would have to order them ended up with Lassa Competus H/L.

Before anyone says I should have put them on the back the FL has been converted to front wheel drive as highlighted in another thread

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