I've got a pair of BMW heated mist jets for mine, which I've been meaning to fit for years.

I might get round to it one day. :oops:

Cus you're keeping it yeah Nodge. Go on, you know you should...;)

Kernowsvenski is right Nodge should keep his freelander, but if nodge:
  • doesnt keep the freelander
  • decides those heated mist nozzles are too much hassle to wire in
  • doesnt find a way to make their spray pattern work on a hippo
I'm claiming dibbs on them, as they would go nicely on my '6 which has heated jets but not heated mist.
Cus you're keeping it yeah Nodge. Go on, you know you should...;)
It's on the cards to keep it for winter transport, as long as I can get the gearbox working reliably. :eek: The wife doesn't like the idea of having only FWD vehicles in the family fleet, so the TD4 looks like it's got a reprieve. Besides it's pretty much the most useful vehicle we'll have, as it's the do all carry all machine. :p
doesnt keep the freelander
Looks like I could be though. ;)
decides those heated mist nozzles are too much hassle to wire in
Not at all. There's a ignition feed in the fuse box, under the bonnet. :)
doesnt find a way to make their spray pattern work on a hippo
They should work just fine, going by a quick spray angle test. :)
I'm claiming dibbs on them, as they would go nicely on my '6 which has heated jets but not heated mist.
If they don't get fitted, I'll let you know.
Some years ago peeps were fitting spray nozzles from peugeot's on ere. They matched the bonnet angle, distance and size of screen. Worked well and didn't need a more powerful water pump.
Sent a complete kit of parts for my TD4 rear suspension and brakes rebuild to blasters for cleaning. Will obviously be replacing the wheel bearings when they return!!

Also sent a couple of spare wheel mounts for media blast and satin black powder coated to see what they look like. Mine is a bit corroded now in places.
Went out, key in ignition. "Dead or Alive - Like a record". Perfect, sit in the back and remove the door card from the back right to find...

A perfectly pristine inner, completely glued down in every corner and spotless, likely never removed. Cursed having to tear it up for a faulty regulator that probably doesn't need replacing so I put the card in the boot and went back inside.

Renewed my insurance! 1 Year no claims gets me 4% off, so I pay £90/mo instead of £100
Sent a complete kit of parts for my TD4 rear suspension and brakes rebuild to blasters for cleaning. Will obviously be replacing the wheel bearings when they return!!

Also sent a couple of spare wheel mounts for media blast and satin black powder coated to see what they look like. Mine is a bit corroded now in places.
I used a wire wheel on a grinder and drill to clean mine up then sprayed them with black stone chip. It came up like new. :)
Year no claims gets me 4% off, so I pay £90/mo
Gone down to £90 per month!!:eek:

Me I'd find a cheaper car to insure.

I think my £28/mo is too much, but that's because I was too lazy to search for a cheaper policy this year. :oops:
I'm about £90 per month, but thats for me and the duchess, traders cover, can drive any car upto £10k, and a few fast personal cars on the policy. For example theres my BMW 635d, the duchess's Citroen C5 3.0v6 HDI, (an old) Jaguar XJR etc. When the world comes out of lockdown, I'd suggest @kernowsvenski does some advanced drivers courses, like pass plus, institude of advanced motoring, maybe add some classes to your license like an HGV. When I did my class 2 HGV a number of years ago, my insurance dropped £25 per month on a modified mr2 turbo.
I'm about £90 per month, but thats for me and the duchess, traders cover, can drive any car upto £10k, and a few fast personal cars on the policy. For example theres my BMW 635d, the duchess's Citroen C5 3.0v6 HDI, (an old) Jaguar XJR etc. When the world comes out of lockdown, I'd suggest @kernowsvenski does some advanced drivers courses, like pass plus, institude of advanced motoring, maybe add some classes to your license like an HGV. When I did my class 2 HGV a number of years ago, my insurance dropped £25 per month on a modified mr2 turbo.
I do my insurance annually but its just below £300 for the year, business use, £0 excess.
Well, I've been jolly busy on mine, now that I'm furloughed. Last year, it was damaged when a lorry with an overhanging load scraped down the side. The worst damage was the rear quarter panel but it was behind the bumper. At the time, I just taped it up with duck tape but I subsequently got the chance to cut the corner off a scrap car the same colour as mine, so I finally got round to taking the rear bumper off and fixing it properly:







Unfortunately, while on the job, I also found some rust at the back edge of that sill which, on closer inspection, turned into a fairly big hole, so I had to weld that up too...


....and my towbar had seen better days...


Come to that, the whole back end of the car was starting to get a bit brown and crispy, so that's all been wire brushed, epoxied and undersealed now. Hopefully get another year or two out of the old "shed"... I invested in a few cans of Dinitrol ML and an extension nozzle and injected every other hollow section I could find. Top tip.... it doesn't half make a mess!!!
OH... and I serviced it... Interestingly, I drained the oil, and when the oil flow from the sump had stopped to a drip, I shoved the drain plug back in a couple of turns and did my rust injection for about half an hour. Then I took the sump plug out again, and was surprised to note that a good "half a mug" of old oil came out, even though I thought it had more or less all drained. The result is that the new oil isn't anything like as black as it was last time I changed it. In fact, I can hardly see it on the dipstick!

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