Had never considered a 3D printer but then, when I was a 'sad sack' and watched 'Wheeler Dealers' Ed China used one to make some inserts/light mounts to fit in the original lanterns on a vintage car so that he could run better lighting for the London to Brighton Rally. Thinking if you get it right, all the cogs etc in so many electrical mechanisms that break could be remanufactured at home in your own time. Think the most important thing to do is to make another 3D printer out of the one upyou already have.....something like Star Trek...just in case in breaks down itself!!!
I think many of the cheaper ones are based on an open source design so lots of support available.
I did 2 dump runs in the old girl today. I had about 20 brake discs to dump as well as half a dozen calipers and nice pile of lower arms. I must dump these things straight away, rather than allowing them to build into a small scrap iron mountain.
I did 2 dump runs in the old girl today. I had about 20 brake discs to dump as well as half a dozen calipers and nice pile of lower arms. I must dump these things straight away, rather than allowing them to build into a small scrap iron mountain.

Still, hopefully you got something back when you weighed them in? :)

Yeah, you should definitely have taken that lot to the scrappy. I got a tenner for an old battery the other day.
Yeah, you should definitely have taken that lot to the scrappy.
I'd have only got a couple of quid for scrap iron. I doubt it would even cover the extra fuel, because of the extra distance I'd need to travel. :(
I pay for my holidays by helpfully offering to "get rid of that car battery for you mate"
You'd be amazed how many I get
I had 6 sealed lead acid batteries stolen from behind my workshop in February. I was far from happy, considering they were almost new and worth much more than the £50 the scrote who stole them would have got for them.:mad:
Don't tell everyone about that.
I pay for my holidays by helpfully offering to "get rid of that car battery for you mate"
You'd be amazed how many I get, especially in my line of work.
I got some old ups batteries from work a few years ago for my wind turbine project
When they finally died I weighed them in for over £300.
Steel on the other hand was almost worthless last time I checked
I'd have only got a couple of quid for scrap iron. I doubt it would even cover the extra distance I'd need to travel. :(
I had 6 sealed lead acid batteries stolen from behind my workshop in February. I was far from happy, considering they were almost new and worth much more than the £50 the scrote who stole them would have got for them.:mad:
The only reason I got so much was I had around 30 of them worth just over 10 quid each. They were very heavy batteries
We had our first frosts of winter this week.

Got in the old girl the other day, turned on the ignition, waited for the plug light to go out and cranked. It turned over 3 or 4 times and didn't fire! What! Repeated and fired immediately, with quite a plume of white smoke.

It did exactly the same yesterday. So looks like my glow plugs are on their last legs and I'll have to order 3 and hope the old ones come out. Not a job I've been looking forward to given the horror stories of plugs snapping and getting stuck. I won't even bother looking at the 1 behind the pump.
How does this srapyard thing work? Do you just turn up with ya old metal and they weigh it for ya? How do you know what its worth. ..I have a few old batteries and steel it's n bobs old dmf drop links ally water pumps etc..

got some old lead pipe too that I pulled out from under me floor boards are old central heating radiators worth much?
How does this srapyard thing work? Do you just turn up with ya old metal and they weigh it for ya? How do you know what its worth. ..I have a few old batteries and steel it's n bobs old dmf drop links ally water pumps etc..

got some old lead pipe too that I pulled out from under me floor boards are old central heating radiators worth much?

It's all worth something if you can be bothered to gather it up, store it and then get it to a scrap metal dealer. Non - ferrous is worth more... But enough hearty steel / iron will get you something. Dead batteries are worth reasonable money. Stainless steel too gets money - it comes in different grades... Water pumps or any aluminium that has any steel in it gets a lower price. Try to find a reputable dealer - maybe a company that operates nationally. I'm very suspect of my local scrap metal dealers - I used to work for one in the early 2000s and know that they are up to all sorts of tricks to get more metals for their money!
We put a beaten up weathered (rusted!) old BBQ on TradeMe for $1 reserve and it was bought by a modern day "rag and bone man". We got some cash and didn't have to burn any diesel in the process. I collect lumps of old metal in the garage now rather than dumping... currently got the old chimney, trailer axle etc sitting in there and I'll put them on TradeMe as a job lot - hopefully get a better price!
How does this srapyard thing work? Do you just turn up with ya old metal and they weigh it for ya?

You take it along and they'll sort it for you. The price paid will depend on the weight and type of the various metals taken along. Iron was getting 9 pence per kilo when I last checked. Copper gets the highest price, then lead and lasty alloy, all getting considerably more than iron . A car battery normally gets about £10 and an alloy wheel without a tyre gets about the same. Alloys with tyres get less as the tyre needs to be disposed of at cost to the recyclers.
Interestingly mixed metals like alloy cylinder heads get little more than iron, due to the difficulties in processing such mixed metal items.
Phone your local metal recycling place and ask what they pay.
You'll need to take ID with you and a bank account number for the money to be paid into. ;)
Fitted some black modular wheels with new insa turbo tyres that came off a Honda h-rv.


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All the same depth they where only fitted for a few months but thanks for the advice,still getting a rumble from the back and getting an abs light so I’m going to think a rear bearing will have to look tomorrow
Ordered new trailing arms today. One was so bad I could move it about by hand, without a pry-bar or anything! Next, on to a clunk/twang when changing steering direction. It may be a front right spring problem me thinks as my steering arms seem fine.
Fixed the front passenger windows switch....I swear some ting breaks ever week or so on my hippo..I'm scared to wash it in case I break something on it..
also found that my rear sills are starting to rot out...put my finger through some bubbled up paint...it's now been filled with pound shop universal filler...and smeared over with what I had left over in my tiger seal tube...

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