currently making m'hippo a christmas prezzy

doing some artwork for a new wheel cover ..
( just an excuse to relearn adobe illustrator )
already did one 'n had it printed ..
making a new one as i've changed tyre size 'n the other one don't fit right
it's mountable .. but over stretches the surround ..
and i'd rather keep it in good shape should i go back to standard tyre size

first one was based on north american indian tribal art ( n.w. coast )
new one based on ye olde english style ..
don't know if its celtic or anglo-saxon or something else ..
maybe it's germanic .. fair enough if it is .. as m'hippo has a german influence anyways

using images from off google as templates / elements

currently making m'hippo a christmas prezzy

doing some artwork for a new wheel cover ..
( just an excuse to relearn adobe illustrator )
already did one 'n had it printed ..
making a new one as i've changed tyre size 'n the other one don't fit right
it's mountable .. but over stretches the surround ..
and i'd rather keep it in good shape should i go back to standard tyre size

first one was based on north american indian tribal art ( n.w. coast )
new one based on ye olde english style ..
don't know if its celtic or anglo-saxon or something else ..
maybe it's germanic .. fair enough if it is .. as m'hippo has a german influence anyways

using images from off google as templates / elements

Unless we see an image of your artwork - it doesn't exist. Similarly with the cover as well - that also needs a link to who you use to make it before that becomes real :)
that also needs a link to who you use to make it before that becomes real :)
( Great Harwood Lancashire )

Similarly with the cover as well
original .. 294 x 358 pixels .. 72dpi

on cover .. ( 225/55/17 tyre )

not finished the new one yet ..
be based .. more or much less on this ..
'much less' .. as it's 'too busy' as is ..
be a dog-at-play as far as i can make out ..

( Great Harwood Lancashire )

original .. 294 x 358 pixels .. 72dpi
View attachment 135734

on cover .. ( 225/55/17 tyre )
View attachment 135735
not finished the new one yet ..
be based .. more or much less on this ..
'much less' .. as it's 'too busy' as is ..
be a dog-at-play as far as i can make out ..
View attachment 135736
That's really good. Love the original.
not finished the new one yet ..
be based .. more or much less on this ..
'much less' .. as it's 'too busy' as is ..
be a dog-at-play as far as i can make out ..


Looks Celtic to me hd3. It'll make a unique and wheel cover.
Looks Celtic to me hd3
cheers :)
some of the images i've viewed .. i remember them from high school
history books ..
found some similar art styles when looking at the sutton hoo collection online
then just now came across this ..

anyhow .. dog-in-grass as is at the moment
looking a bit too much with the grassy bits
although i like the effect of new spirals over the original ones
messed about with border patterns ..
but dog ends up looking as if imprisoned .. not what i want ..

some other ideas i've played with .. and decided against ..
a 'deer' image .. came up when googling 'germanic art'
( after watching a doc. about the romans versus the germanic tribes )
i certainly remember this one from high school lessons ..
pixel image off google :
after a play around in the vector app. :
a celtic crow :
and what looks like a modern rendition
in celtic style ..of an owl
image off google:
reworked in the app:
didn't think it should be staring at following drivers :)

started off thinkin' i'd like an illustration of a 'staffy' dog
then thought i'd like one of my staffy .. as she's slightly different ..
pricked ears .. narrower head .. more of a 'terrier' look about her head
but she won't sit still for a photo shoot .. and besides ..
i've never tried to make an illustration out of a photo ..
wouldn't know where to start ..

oh .. thread topic .. ..
now't .. been parked up today .. for a change :)
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I like the look of the bird designs. I think a heavily stylised design will have following drivers staring intently at it wondering what it is and then bang, they've run into the back of you. I have seen apps that turn photos into what look like oil paintings, one of those should would be useful for turning your dog into wheel cover design.

Replaced drivers door window regulator. I used a complete unit (sans motor). It was only £21.50 delivered so I couldn't be bothered struggling with a cable kit for the sake of a tenner.
Plus I'm rubbish at fitting them. :oops:
Replaced drivers door window regulator. I used a complete unit (sans motor). It was only £21.50 delivered so I couldn't be bothered struggling with a cable kit for the sake of a tenner.
Plus I'm rubbish at fitting them. :oops:
Did exactly the same a while ago with great success. The cables seem a challenge to get right, and buying a complete regulator and motor seems a waste since the motors rarely seem to fail. Got the NSR to do over the xmas break, then all five of mine will be working (for a while hopefully).
Did exactly the same a while ago with great success. The cables seem a challenge to get right, and buying a complete regulator and motor seems a waste since the motors rarely seem to fail. Got the NSR to do over the xmas break, then all five of mine will be working (for a while hopefully).
I did the rear cable no problem but had no success with the fronts. They're less critical too so I'd go for a cable kit for that one.
I did the rear cable no problem but had no success with the fronts. They're less critical too so I'd go for a cable kit for that one.
Did you have to cut and crimp the cables and get them tensioned etc? That's the bit that doesn't look appealing if I'm honest.
When fitting just the cables. It's important to get the tension correct. This means winding the cable round the drive drum correctly. If the cables aren't tight, the window won't work correctly.
I'll have a think about that another day I think.

In other news, turbo oil drain back pipe leak sorted today. A bolt was missing! All sorted now!
Spent a couple of hours trying to get the passenger side speakers to work today -with no success. I think I shall be purchasing some new ones and sorting the connectors fairly soon.
Spent a couple of hours trying to get the passenger side speakers to work today -with no success. I think I shall be purchasing some new ones and sorting the connectors fairly soon.
I've seen several of the original speakers that were totally dead. It's pretty easy to find speakers to fit the holes but if they're too deep you'll have to space them out a bit to let the window slide past.

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