as cheep as my little duckling is presently going.

"cheep cheep"

i dunno... £40? its for 5 rims i probably have a couple of 215 65 16s kicking about in the shed.
removed propshaft ordered new vcu from bell should be here Thursday
split vcu from prop no problems ready for return
ordered new bearings and new diff mounts to be changed at same time
vcu has (only been on) for the lifetime of the car nearly 13 years now and its starting to feel a bit tight on reverse so I think its about time , tho I dare say ken will test it and let me know the results.. just don't wanna chance it any longer and cause more work and expense

I had some sort of rattling/knocking when going over rough ground or pot holes in the road before I removed prop.. but it seems to have disappeared now so hopefully wont come back with new bearings and diff mounts
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Exactly what type of services are you offering :p


took my front pads off and cleaned the brakes then reassembled, to try and get rid of a brake squeal. I used a minimal amount of coppaslip just on the piston and the slider arms which touch the brake pads only.
The guide pins were free, but some new ones I tried hardly moved when I put them in, so left the old ones in that slide easily. (I hope that was right?)

failed..... :thumbdown

They still squeal, but slightly different, and not quite as bad.
Sold my Mantec guards to a member on here, went to spend the money on stuff for the FL2 then the Mrs stuck her oar in... So now I'm buying the material for decking for the back garden, nice job for me for when it stops raining :(
Look on the bright side, that deck could be a nice spot to overhaul FL parts on those sunny summer days!:D
Could smell burning metal, vibration at 50mph plus....

Binding caliper. Standard.

Although it's a while since I sold my previous Freely and have only had this one for a couple of days, it's good to know I can still sniff out the faults :p

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