Went to replace the off side rear indicator glass. Discovered the indicators are the later all-in-one unit (yeah yeah, I should have checked, it’s been rebuilt at some point so maybe happened then). Also sheared off a rusty screw on the near side indicator while checking it was the same.

So the “wrong” indicator glass will be going in the box o’ bits as it’s not worth sending back. New indicator unit on order along with some nice stainless steel screws.
Better already, now driveable to a place of degreasing….
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After the smell of burning cable I have removed the earth for the fan.Removed this from the earth point on the inner wing.


Checked the live & found the relay is now not working. Fuse also supply’s rear various LED rear lights which are working.
Need to replace the relay. Once done I will know if the fan is still working. I nearly stripped the fan out without checking the basics first. :oops:
unsure why the slow blow fuse did not trip
Fitted a new N/S rear stub axle plus a few seals.

Old one had decided to weep from the hub seal and it was pretty worn.

Fitted new electric fan. Other one had burnt out.
Replaced 1 relay,& cables as the fan problem melted these.

fan slightly smaller than previous so new holes for fixing to the cowl.
replace cowl, replace pipes,add 5ltrs anti freeze,bleed system all good.
Then spot the alternator belt missing some teeth.

Undo bolts so you can slacked the power steering & alternator belts(as the alternator is behind the other)
Re tighten bolts and run motor again up to temperature

All sorted for a few more years

Fitted new electric fan. Other one had burnt out.
Replaced 1 relay,& cables as the fan problem melted these.

fan slightly smaller than previous so new holes for fixing to the cowl.
replace cowl, replace pipes,add 5ltrs anti freeze,bleed system all good.
Then spot the alternator belt missing some teeth.

Undo bolts so you can slacked the power steering & alternator belts(as the alternator is behind the other)
Re tighten bolts and run motor again up to temperature

All sorted for a few more years

View attachment 243560

Plenty life in that belt yet! :rolleyes:
Fitted new clutch master and slave cylinders. Are you still allowed to call it ‘clutch’ ? :rolleyes:
Changed them on the 300tdi’s plenty of times but first time on the td5 90. A lot more fiddly with the radiator header tank in the way of removing the pedal box and the slave cylinder tucked away above the catalytic converter made it more awkward.
Got it all back together and the rod on the master needed wound out quite a bit to get clutch to clear. Will be needing a clutch in the next year or so I think. o_O
Fitted new clutch master and slave cylinders. Are you still allowed to call it ‘clutch’ ? :rolleyes:
Changed them on the 300tdi’s plenty of times but first time on the td5 90. A lot more fiddly with the radiator header tank in the way of removing the pedal box and the slave cylinder tucked away above the catalytic converter made it more awkward.
Got it all back together and the rod on the master needed wound out quite a bit to get clutch to clear. Will be needing a clutch in the next year or so I think. o_O
I think you will find that actually you fitted a clutch primary and secondary unit....... :eek:
But searching for the PC names meant I couldn’t find them for weeks. So I searched master and slave and .......Ta Da!! :eek:

Now I have them and have them fitted, I shall write an angry email to paddocks demanding they change the wording on their website :mad::mad::mad::mad:o_O:confused:

Just before retiring I was working on a project for the gov. They made us rename the units as primary and secondary even though we have been working on it for 6 years!!
Replaced the black plastic headlamp surrounds with a pair of secondhand original aluminium Series surrounds in Bronze Green.
I never really liked the plastic versions nor the plastic louvered grille introduced with the Ninety/OneTens in 1984.
It is now begging for a Stage One V8 grille.....:rolleyes::D

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I started it today. After a quick charge to top the battery up, it burst into life on the first turn of the key :)
I will add that it is the first time I have started it this year!!
I am well happy with the beast and it will be treated to a full service before we load up the 3.5t trailer and trundle off into the sunset (in a few months time lol)

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