Thanks for the likes Knappster and Hicap phil, at last both radius arms are in. They've been a real faff, so much so, I may do a write up to help others later today. Now for a light lunch of two hearty bowls of thick chicken noodle soup with some doorstep Fig and Date bread. Then, it's time for front springs and dampers...
Well, best paid plans et al. Fitting the Gwyn Lewis HD plates and turrets with new springs and dampers has not gone to plan. Called it a day at's been a long one :mad:, and trow's another day. Hopefully better news with photos Tuesday evening...
Attempted to repair the door lock pulls - failed. Investigated the near side front door knocking (after fitting new hinges) - found the upper crossmember frame cracked through and door pull assembly dropped to bits. Not the most productive few hours.
Attempted to repair the door lock pulls - failed. Investigated the near side front door knocking (after fitting new hinges) - found the upper crossmember frame cracked through and door pull assembly dropped to bits. Not the most productive few hours.

Defenders are the gift that keeps on giving. I washed mine today.
Well, this week has been as though Christmas has arrived a few weeks early...a pile of new parts have been delivered including a proper new Bearmarch brass core radiator, Allisport Intercooler and Breather [they're genuine mechaniporn ;)] and have just collected all the engine bay hardware that I've had shotblasted, cleaned and powder coated by the great guys at A&C Shotblasting in Newbury [I highly recommend these guys if you live anywhere near West Berks].

Allisport Loveliness...



I'm chuffed to bits with the powder coating and in being able to use all the original hardware...spend a good time cleaning off 33yrs of crud and have pukka engine bay hardware that will last for another 33yrs + all this at a fraction of the cost of buying new. It's very satisfying :)
Well, this week has been as though Christmas has arrived a few weeks early...a pile of new parts have been delivered including a proper new Bearmarch brass core radiator, Allisport Intercooler and Breather [they're genuine mechaniporn ;)] and have just collected all the engine bay hardware that I've had shotblasted, cleaned and powder coated by the great guys at A&C Shotblasting in Newbury [I highly recommend these guys if you live anywhere near West Berks].

Allisport Loveliness...
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View attachment 195630

I'm chuffed to bits with the powder coating and in being able to use all the original hardware...spend a good time cleaning off 33yrs of crud and have pukka engine bay hardware that will last for another 33yrs + all this at a fraction of the cost of buying new. It's very satisfying :)
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas La de Do Da LA ..... looks great
Never mind the lovely Landy bits. I just spotted your red pants in the microwave door :eek:. Were you dressed as Santa? :D

Ha, excellent spottage. Not Santa but in my Sunday best/preferred weekend attire of heavy duty red cotton overalls [I have two pairs]. Who else here longs to come home from the office/work and put on their favourite pair of overalls? Always super comfortable, remarkably cool with shorts and tshirt on underneath in summer...and incredibly warm with thermals in the winter. They're even better with legs tucked in to a hardy pair of wellingtons. Have been known to shop and dine in red overalls and wellies; much to possible chagrin of other folk/guests at next table :D
Put new UJs on the steering colum, stopped the massive Rattle the exhaust was making against the chassis... Now my back is in a state.... And I'm cold and hungry too lol.
Replaced the front oil seal and output flange on the tranny box, all new bolts and nuts on the prop. Took about 200 cc of EP90 to fill to level, cleaned all old oil from around area. Hopefully fixed a minor leak before it becomes a problem.
Replaced L/H front sidelight body, the old one really wasn't that old, just 3 months:mad::mad: but britpart, and the problem I had with it was the bulb shaking loose while driving over cobbles on our Portugal trip. Had a good look at it and I think I may have been the cause of it while fitting the bulb in the first place by not taking enough care to get things lined up properly before ramming it into the fitting. :mad: Oh well. While I was faffing about with that I fitted a couple of LED bulbs, even though I have said in the past I wouldn't fit them, they are literally brilliant. Still wont fit them to my indicators though, too many problem threads on here about them.
New power steering drive belt next, then replace anti-freeze, then -------
Took some doing to find this thread hiding out in the cold.:eek::eek:

Anyway, finally had time spare to fit a new power steering belt after putting up with it squeeling for the last few weeks, seems to be working OK.:):) Fitted a new ctr section exhaust, std with the 2 silencer boxes. Struggled for ages to get the supports into the rubbers, finally unbolted the rear support and fitted that before fitting the front in situ. Now nice and quiet in comparison to the ST/ST straight through one I had on there. That one was put on to replace a duff one just before the mot, and I did notice a slight improvement in performance. Trouble was that since all the sound deadening I have fitted all the other noises have reduced enough to hear the horrid droning from the exhaust, so swapped back to a std system. Happy to say that road testing afterwards no noticeable change in performance. :D:D
Took some doing to find this thread hiding out in the cold.:eek::eek:

Anyway, finally had time spare to fit a new power steering belt after putting up with it squeeling for the last few weeks, seems to be working OK.:):) Fitted a new ctr section exhaust, std with the 2 silencer boxes. Struggled for ages to get the supports into the rubbers, finally unbolted the rear support and fitted that before fitting the front in situ. Now nice and quiet in comparison to the ST/ST straight through one I had on there. That one was put on to replace a duff one just before the mot, and I did notice a slight improvement in performance. Trouble was that since all the sound deadening I have fitted all the other noises have reduced enough to hear the horrid droning from the exhaust, so swapped back to a std system. Happy to say that road testing afterwards no noticeable change in performance. :D:D
The slight improvement you felt from the straight through one was probably a false impression from the noise ;)
The slight improvement you felt from the straight through one was probably a false impression from the noise ;)
I use the hill coming up to my place as a tester, come off a speed bump at the bottom @ 15 mph and should get to 50mph at a certain roadside post, this is up hill, with the (3 years ago) new straight through exhaust I could get 55mph, so a bit of an improvement. Tested today with the std exhaust and got 55mph so win win. :D:D
Changed the anti freeze, dropped the old into a container and was as clean as a whistle, so didn't bother flushing etc. Refilled with the same Bluecol at 50/50.
The worst part of the job was struggling to remove the block drain plug, found it hiding away behind the alternator, took the belt off and moved it as far as I could but it was still an arse.
Progress coming on well this weekend. Started rebuild of brake and clutch pedal boxes this week + buzzed back underside of bonnet, then a good layer of zinc etch primer followed by two coats of enamel primer. Will let to thoroughly dry during the week, then two coats of NATO Gloss Green next weekend. Almost ready to fit flywheel, clutch and install new engine...:)



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