Called it many bad names!! :rolleyes:
Driving home tonight up a fairly steep constant climb I heard a fairly loud WHOOSH, experienced 90% power loss and saw a huge plume of black smoke in the rear view mirror.
Given that I'm supposed to be going away on holiday this weekend to have a new gearbox fitted, I immediately thought the worst (not entirely sure what those thoughts were, but I knew they were not good)
As it was still able to move under it's own steam (just), I managed to crawl it back home and opened the bonnet expecting to see bits missing, but all I found was that the hose on the bottom of the turbo had blown off.
5 minutes later it's all fixed. :)
For the first time since about October I washed mine :oops:

Gotta love the 50th anniversary colour though....
Coup of jobs to finish off then it's finally mot time then it's time for Wales :cool:
Fitted my manual gearbox & pedal box & engine now in :D
propshafts on, exhaust on, intercooler rad ect & all steering & water pipes.

Next job fill with coolant & wire the stop solenoid into the ignition & see if it starts & drives o_O:D
I noticed on the website shows my Disco not having been MOT'd. Luckily I still have the paperwork that shows it passed back in July 2018
Damn computer systems... :mad:

I had that once, found out when I was trying to tax the car:mad:
The garage had not put it on the system when they did it. They made me do another MOT to get it on the system(didn’t charge for it) the police will use the system to check too so beware.

Made a bracket to fit the spots to my winch bumper so that I can actually align them properly without fouling against the grill or the roo bar.
Knew that aluminium bar I had at the back of the garage would come in useful one day.
Just fitted a new set of Monroe Gas shock absorbers on the rear.
Off out now to see how different they are from the Super Gaz HD ones that were on.

Update: I think I should have replaced the shock absorbers when I put bags back on the rear. These Monroes are so much better than the Super Gaz ones.
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Plugged it in to the Nanocom after the week away, not experiencing any issues but just thought I'd check for any recorded faults in the ECU.
None recorded, life is good (for now!)
Changed the power steering fluid, first time the trucks had it done in a while by the look of the brown gak that come out...

Also stripped out some rogue wiring the previous owner had installed for something or other...
So what doesn't work anymore? ;)

Lol, thankfully nothing... think it was for a roof mounted light bar with a radio fob, none of it worked when I tried it connected to the multi meter. I would have left it in and re used it, but when I moved it water came pouring out of the conduit soaking the battery and tray... it was still connected to the battery too eeeeeek!

Have no idea how it got to be so full of water...

The conduit is hanging up in the garage drying out as the cheap ass in me makes me want to re use it. It was still leaking when I brought it into the house, much to mrs BN’s dismay.

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