Just make sure your handbrake drum is secure ! IF not they have a tendency to shoot of into the nearest farmers field !:rolleyes::oops::oops::eek:

I checked that pesky oil pump bolt , was as tight as a ducks derriere.

replacing the sump, what a PITA. But it did mean whilst I was down there, I could fit the decat pipe.

Got sick of being locked out the boot on my 300 so bodged a new lock on the outside, it always locked me out when the boot was full!
Felt like blowing it up,shame I didn't have a lighter since stopping smoking.Three coolant dumps in three years from three different locations
Started mine today ! Power steering pump Groaning:mad: Got down 2 dads & its leaking frothy oil :mad::mad: Will investigate at the weekend :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
The ones that go 4 ways two go into thermostat.,they have a drain screw in them.
No,I can assure you it isn't power steering fluid lol,they've been replaced also.
The ones that go 4 ways two go into thermostat.,they have a drain screw in them.
No,I can assure you it isn't power steering fluid lol,they've been replaced also.
can you get a pic of it that way everyone will be able to see what it is :) even a low quality pic will help more than no pic :)

Magicgrotto: what was the outcome on the power steering!

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