Cat D
Needs bonnet, wing and screen

Screen ordered and will be in Tuesday just need to find a wing and bonnet and snorkel to finish it off I think
Well bored at work after getting back early so decided to take my passenger central locking actuator apart after reading up on them getting gummed up.
Finally pulled it apart and bits went everywhere but it wasn't seized. Put a battery too it and the motor was working but not sure if I've got it put back together again properly now.
Checked power on the car and when I lock or unlock it getting between 0.0 and 0.05 volts to the passenger actuator.

So not got a possibly broken actuator and an electrical fault somewhere on the car.

Decided best option is to put the door card back on and continue locking and unlocking the door from the inside.
Took my fan cover off and noticed a pesky weep of oil coming from the camshaft cover - pulled it off to find that the O ring was completely flat and someone had stuck it back in with RTV so popped down to OandO in Henstridge and got a new one, along with 2 new oil filters and a set of brake pads (tomorrows job)
Installed the new O ring, dropped the engine oil and replaced it with some synthetic that I picked up cheap at the auction along with some Molyslip.
Installed the centrifugal oil filter but found that the bolts were turning ominously when tightened as if they were stripped - ran the engine up to temp and no sign of any leak or weepage but will have to keep an eye on it. Gave up on doing the main filter as not sure how to grip it just yet - will revisit.
Then decided to check the diff oil levels - first plastic bolt came out from the front diff and the rear one rounded off - so another job for another day - replace both with brass ones.
Finally went to replace the headlamp washer pump only to find that the used parts guy had sent me one of a facelift rather than the earlier ones. Big difference!


Having fun yet?
Centrifugal oil filter bolts are known to strip quite easily, a lot of people end up using a nut and bolt.
Main filter I use a nylon strap filter wrench. utilises a 1/2 or 3/8 ratchet drive. Only a few quid.
Good call with the Diff plugs, also FYI, have a look at the coolant bleed plug in the top hose, there is an ally replacement for it as they can fail as well if you ever need to bleed it.

Loving it - at least you can pretty much get at everything unlike my pesky Mercedes B Class!
I'll check the coolant one although I may invest in a silicone one along with a new fanbelt.
Just found out that the wastegate has a label from Universal Turbochargers on - so may be a rebuilt turbo or an upgraded one - emailed them to see if they either have records or if there is some way of telling.
Changed the top hose, for what must be the 5th or 6th time. Wet and dried the metal pipes where the hose pushes on this time, have an idea that scale and pitting has been contributing to leaks. We'll see if it does any good...

Continued doing bits & bobs from 144k service, got a list of "matters arising" to attend to, including front axle breather chafing on radius arm. Looking at the routing, I can't work out why it *wouldn't* chafe, so not sure WTF can be done about it
I was productive today. I managed to:

  • Delete the EGR valve with a blanking kit
  • Replace the auxiliary serpentine belt with a new one
  • Replace the belt tensioner pulley with a new one (chirping noise when cold is now cured)

Of course when removing the EGR I dropped a small extension bar with an 8mm socket attached. It dropped down into a black hole. Couldn't find it anywhere. No doubt it will drop out onto the road or my driveway at some point.

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