Sorry I’m going to **** of some people here.

Horse boxes
Why The F*** do you drive like you have nitro-glycerine in there?
If you don’t want to **** people off pull over.
Also I’m sure most horse lorries aren’t road legal but do you see the police down the local gymcarner checking them out? No they are too nicking busy motorcyclists.
I can answer that one. It is the same as if I put you on the underground train blindfolded, in a straight jacket and told you not to lean against anything. Horses are unable to pre-empt breaking, corners and accelleration hense the care. It is possible for a horse to fall over in the horse box/trailer causing injury and expense (vets) and when you are traveling a horse worth £30 000 +, its no joke. People should pull over where possible but there are alot of ignorant people in the horse industry - as there is in any indusrty.

Often wanted a loud speeker attached to the front of my landy! It would get alot of use!
Why is it when some car drivers see you in a 50 year old landy, decide they must get past you at all costs...I have been cut up by loads of drivers finding that I can motor on a bit faster than they estimated.
So far I have had two rear bumpers off their cars, where there wasnt the space for them to cut in, and I think Im on about 8 passenger mirrors as i dont have door tops a good fist smashed thru it gets the message across..
I pressume they think I will slow them down and be a hindrence, how wrong they are, I find them to be slow and downright unsafe.

That feels better.

I can answer that one. It is the same as if I put you on the underground train blindfolded, in a straight jacket and told you not to lean against anything. Horses are unable to pre-empt breaking, corners and accelleration hense the care. It is possible for a horse to fall over in the horse box/trailer causing injury and expense (vets) and when you are traveling a horse worth £30 000 +, its no joke. People should pull over where possible but there are alot of ignorant people in the horse industry - as there is in any indusrty.

Are you travelling for the horses benefit or your own? Betcher £50 the horse would be just as happy/sad/indifferent if you didn't drag it all over the country in the dark having told it not to lean on anything!

Horses on the road and horse riders in general, do **** me off. I always slow down for them, in fact I frequently stop and turn off my engine to avoid scaring the horse - best I've ever had in response is a vague wave and sickly smile - I don't avoid scaring the horse for the sake of the rider, only the horse and that I don't want my car kicked.

They don't pay road tax, they're not required to have insurance, any safety checking (annual or otherwise) or any rider training to be used on the road - there's no lower age limit for a rider on the road either. Lastly on horses... my car doesn't **** in the street, doesn't have a mind of it's own and always reacts solely to my input. On the very odd occasion when it does drop something (oil for example) I bloody well clean it up!

Other things that **** me off... other drivers, sex irrespective, who expect me to reverse a quarter of a mile because they don't know how to reverse 25 feet, with or without a trailer attached, regardless of the fact that they could have stopped 25 feet back if only they'd been paying attention to driving the ****ing car instead of playing with their damn hair/makeup/kids/prat nav!

People, in reasonably powerful cars, who slow down on motorway slip roads while joining the motorway - they're alright jack, but pity the poor sap stuck behind them who gets forced up the hard shoulder by that artic that can't move out thanks to "Mr. and Mrs. Middle Lane Owners Club, never had an accident but I've seen loads!" overtaking at 58mph whilsty passing a junction!

Oh yeah... pricks with company cars who overtake me on Maidstone Road in the 30 limit, while I'm doing 30, frequently within 100 yards of the one pelican crossing to allow schoolkids to cross (always flowers tied to the railings for some reason) - there's 2 primary schools and a secondary school in a 1/4 of a mile. One thing I do love, is the expressions on their faces when they can't quite pluck up the nerve to overtake me or when there simply isn't enough room to overtake regardless of how much extra income tax they pay for the overpowered shopping cart their company has foisted on them. They range from boredom to outright rage - how dare I impede their right to shatter the speed limit past 3 schools and get where they're going 4 cars lengths earlier?!

That's the best thing about a Defender - if you're fast enough to catch it, you're not powerful enough to stop it. Got the grunt, mass and traction to stop it? You'll never catch it ;)

"See ya at the back of the next traffic jam you come to!" ;)
Sorry EbonynIvory
I'm with Adz with the horses leave them in the field.

I do too slow down for horses not for their sake but i once witnesses a accident where a horse had been hit by a car killing the car driver.
You knock the legs out from under and then they land on your bonnet / roof.
Not good 1/4 ton of cat food comming through the windscreen.
The rider suvived and was thrown in to the ditch the horse didnt.
ah think all this fred has done is show what a bunch of wingeing bastids we got on LZ. ffs! you could spend all day writing about things other folk do that you dint agree with, some of them plain stupid and others down reet shellfish.
but it int gonna make em stop doing it cos their still gonna think that they are in the right because,
they can drive and react ok at that speed,
they have an animal in the trailer behind them,
the middle lane is for cruising and the left hand lane is for lorries and other slow stuff whislt the RH lane is for over-taking.
or as i was once told by a woman that forced me onto a pavement whilst i was on me motor bike " its a merge !!! i'm allowed to pull across the front of you"

her journey was stalled for a while , as she had to call her husband to retrieve her keys from down the drain
why thank you MHM . i do like to bring another prospective to a debate otherwise it all gets a bit 'samey'.
I vote for Mr Slob to be named
Landy zone's resident philosopher.
All in favor say Aye

Horses were here before road too
They like fields!
horses were, most likely, here before humans - duz that mean they can have fields and roads?

I recon we shd dispose of cars and go back to walking - solve the second housing prob and travelling probs all in one go.
horses were, most likely, here before humans - duz that mean they can have fields and roads?

er, if precedence is given to stuff what wuz here first we'd have single celled organisms running the ****ry and probably the world....................ah,! :rolleyes:
horses were, most likely, here before humans - duz that mean they can have fields and roads?

I recon we shd dispose of cars and go back to walking - solve the second housing prob and travelling probs all in one go.

Yer idjut. if you banned cars we would all be overun with fookin huge rose bushes cause evryone would be on bloomin hosses
if the guv ban cars what will they do with the roads?
sell them of and if they do, who will see the profit, after all we paid for them
if the guv ban cars what will they do with the roads?
sell them of and if they do, who will see the profit, after all we paid for them

i think yu will find that the story goes - yu paid for em in taxes - so if the guv sells em - they have the money for em - therby saving yu tax money in future.

dont believe it myself - wotever happened to cheap north sea gas?
dont believe it myself - wotever happened to cheap north sea gas?[/quote]

thats one for a different day:mad:

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