I agree with alot of what ihas been said. There are alot of horse owners who think they own the road and are ignorant. I always try to say thank you to curtious drivers. (Sometimes difficult when riding and leading or pony is being a ****!) Although is it not law - there will be hardly anyone without insurance - its too dangous not to have it due to the shift of cuture in this country and everyone wanting to sue everyone. There are road safety exams (with the BHS) and yes I have done it! And as for kids riding out on the road, it shouldn't be allowed - but then again allowing young kids out and parents not knowing where they are untill 10 - 11 at night shouldn't be allowed either. Keeping a horse in a field is the same as keeping your 4x4 in the garage. Only you still have to feed, water and hay a horse.........boring! Not only that, fields are getting few and far between - they keep getting built on! Theres a housing shortage but the doors are open to imigents and they are given preference over people who already live in this country, then there is the social hand outs and the first time buyers can't afford to buy! Whos buying all these houses? Oh ya thats right the people with loads of money who want second homes - stupid me!

Thank you Slop - you always make me laugh out load!

And as for road tax........look at the state of our roads! While towing, half the time I have to go slow is because of the poor condition of the roads! I love it when a road has been resurfaced - I can genually drive at about 50 mph then. The government says we should use puplic transport more....ha ha bloody ha. The infrastucture of the puplic transport around me couldn't cope with the demands I would make of it (not including the horse - I can drive up to about 500 miles a week). I was out in Switzerland working for 6 weeks, used public transport all the time - it was clean, ran on time, regually and at times it was required! Same in Germany when I was out there.

And why oh why do people have to vary thier speed from 40 to 65 mph for no reason?, why are people nice to your face and then screw you over behind your back?, what have they done to the new VW beetle? and why is there nothing decent on the radio any more!!!!! Why do banks charge you £20 for going over drawn by £0.20?, why do call centers train thier staff to be as unhelpfull as possible and why are you classed as thick and stupid when dyslexia is mentioned?

Sorry if I have ****ed some of you off, don't mean to. Going back to work now.
I got to the bit where you reckon British Home Stores do horse riding tests, is that true? Any how I gave up after that, is it worth reading.
yeah, lets ban cars, and while we're at it, lets ban lectric, that way we wunt need power stations either, tell yer what, lets all live in caves, ffs yer bunch o numpties, its called progress
yer wint saying that the other night, it was all "ooh thanks fer yer help yella", yer 2 faced prick ;)
why do call centers train thier staff to be as unhelpfull as possible and why are you classed as thick and stupid when dyslexia is mentioned?

People who think that you can train someone to be unhelpful!

i have trined and worked in call centers and it is not the training, it is the people who have no intrest in the job, or or understand the why it feels good to help someone..
if you had worked there or called my help desk you would find it a very different pan of fish!
They dint trine you to spell "centre" right did they. An don't they have Kettles in Scottishland?
They dint trine you to spell "centre" right did they. An don't they have Kettles in Scottishland?

what would you like more someone who fix your problem or someone who can spell "sorry there is nothing i can do about it"

and yeah we do but i rather put my fish in a pan than a kettle
yeah, lets ban cars, and while we're at it, lets ban lectric, that way we wunt need power stations either, tell yer what, lets all live in caves, ffs yer bunch o numpties, its called progress

Isint that wot that lot in Afghanistan tries?
I think thay got there wish with the cave part.

Dyslexics usually have a above average IQ.
Envirometalists, If 4x4 are responsible for global warming although there are more large engined company cars on the road than 4x4's, How come its constantly raining, when is the Heatwave summer going to start, will we have anougher drought this year or have thames water fixed their leaking pipes.

I have a 4x4 for Work ojn site in the construction industry, thinking of swapping it for Noah's Ark at this rate.
Hello all.
I allways wonder who these people are, like the tnt guy who parks outside my works doors that have a sign that says " Please do NOT park here as access is required 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ( apart, obviously from when anyone wants to really F*@# MY DAY UP AND BLOCK IN MY VANS) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.
Not any more because i'll just tow it away, they come back and follow the skid marks. It's just thoughtless, i'm all right jack ****witedness.
Remember! sense is not common to everyone and never underestimate a fool, they've had all their life to practice. I really love the idea of a loudhailer and a rocket launcher.

Cheers, Nick.
the fecking smoking ban! if you like fresh air so much why don't you go and stand out in the beer garden in the fecking rain,there's plenty of fresh bloody air out there!!!!!.
while i'm having a tantram i also hate-
anti 4x4 ****s,
gorden brown,
political correctness,
illegal immegrants(which i can't spell)
big brother(they all need shooting,except the twins MMMMMMMMMMM!)
parents that keep parking their cars outside my house at school kicking out time-FECK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!
and having to get up at stupid o'clock in the morning to go to work.

right well got that off me chest so i'm off outside to have a fag or two before the bastards ban smoking outside cos of global warming!:mad:
My pet hate(s)
1. People who have horses and cant ride and give the rest of us a bad name!!
2. Idiots in small cars doing 20 in a 60 when i'm in a rush
3. White van men (what is it about a 90 that makes people think they can hitch a lift on your bumper)
4. Riders who go out on the road without any consideration for anything else
5. Drivers shoutoing abuse at me wheni'm taking my young horse out to the 6 miles of off road riding but going there two abreast so their cars dont get sat on!!!
6. Groups of lycra clad older men (not a nice sight !!) taking up as much room as possible

Ok moan over,feel loads better now!!!! (one point to remember re: horses in wagons or trailers, they dont wear seatbelts, almost lost one last year on way to a show, some dickhead on motorway cut across us cos he missed his exit, ran us off road horse got stuck under partion in back slashed its back to shreads and has never got back in a wagon since)
1. People who have horses and cant ride and give the rest of us a bad name!!
You can say that fer all pastimes though cant yer. Specialy owning 4 wheel drives.

6. Groups of lycra clad older men (not a nice sight !!) taking up as much room as possible
On push bikes, I just don't understand it, why get dressed up like that. An why try an go as fast as you can on a bloody pushbike. If you wanna go fast go in a car or a motorbike, if you wanna go an a pushbike take yer time an look at the scenery. An as fer the blokes shavin there legs, thats not right that int.

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