people who come of slip roads without looking to see what other traffic they're about to help cause an accident
Peeps who sit on the outside lane at EXACTLY the speed limit with a ferkin great queue behind them - more prevelant on German autobahns!
people who drive at 40mph when there is cars coming the other way then 70mph when yo get a chance to pass them
this might be a london thing , yer driving along minding yer own , someone up yonder is indicating to pull out from the kerb , you flash 'em out , and then they decide to do a fekin U turn , no - one coming the other way wants to let them go , and your sitting there like a right plum , AND they dont even fank ya , oooohhh it makes me blood boil
1. Middle lane hoggers who will not move over when the inside lane is clear and insist on driving at the speed limit!

2. Men who tell me I can't drive due to the lack of dick between my legs.

3. People who seam to have all the time in the world and expect every one else to drive behnd them at 30 - 40 mph along a main road with limited over taking places.

4. Men telling me (rudly) that I should reverse around a corner into a side road with the trailer because he can't be bothered to back up to a place where we could pass each other safely in a high street, and then leans in THROUGH MY OPEN WINDOW to steer for me!!!! (How I managed not to hit I never know! Got a round of applose from the by standers when I got out to bollock him!)

5. Drivers who don't signal.

6. People stopping to look at shop windows in a high street from the car.

7. New 4x4 drivers who can't drive through puddles incase it melts.

8. People who cut me up when I have a trailer attached.

9. People who threaten to kill my horse by driving from a side street into the main one with out looking! That really gets me going.

10. People who think it is funny to pass so close to the horse while I am riding that they clip my stirrup iron. (I'm going to get my leg broken that way one day.)

Feel better now. Thank you.
Gotta agree with the horse thing! I dont ride one but i go fishin next to a stables, always back right off, even the engine tickover seems to get a couple of ems ears twitchin, but thats not the only reason, once saw a guy cause a horse to throw the rider and kick itself across the road like it was posessed. he drove way too close i thought either the rider or horse would have been gonners, luckily they both came out of it ok, there was a soft verge for the rider and the horse tootled off up the one opposite, VERY scary! Don't do it!
Riding a bike too, i suggest a good boot at the side of their car makes em think twice about doing it again! Sure a stirrup would do a bit o damage!
People who say "what do you want a 4x4 for?", its only me who drives it so i'll drive whatever vehicle i decide to buy.Maybe i should buy a bus and drive that to work everyday and see what they say then.
  1. People in crap little hatchbacks on motorway who drive right up your tailgate wanting to get past, then slow down when you let them past, then think its a game when you overtake them again.
  2. Ford KA's ... see above
  3. Anything to do with ford KA's
  4. Scooters driven by young kids who think they have road sence. overtaking you in traffic while wearing their helmets on the top of their heads like a hat. (Natural selection that one!)
  5. Pizza advertising, f*** off i've got your number! and if i dont i'll look it up
  6. Pin dents in car parks.
  7. BMW drivers, who turn into assholes behind a wheel
  8. Short men, who recline their seats right back then drive with one hand on the top of the wheel. (see point 1)
  9. Chavs in hoddies who see you coming then lethargically amble in the road to cross in front of you almost daring you to hit them.
  10. People parking across the end of my drive. The last victim rang the doorbell and had the cheek to ask me to move both my cars that were parked touching his bumpers blocking it in...sorry mate, you should have thought of that before forcing me to drive across my lawn, your lucky I didnt tie a strop to it and drag it 1/2 a mile away and dump it...Did you not see my f***'in cars on the drive???
Sure a stirrup would do a bit o damage!

Unfortunatly (or fortunatly from my point of view) it is always the wing mirror that gets the stirrup, cracked mirror at best. If it hits fast enough the sudden twist will snap the bone - happened to a friend of mine. Now ride with a schooling whip, if I can reach thier car with out bending over - fair game!

People driving so close behind that you can't even see thier bonnet really gets on my nerves. (That was with the skoda - back window was alot lower then the landy.)
People driving so close behind that you can't even see thier bonnet really gets on my nerves. (That was with the skoda - back window was alot lower then the landy.)

A tow hitch and a touch of the brake lights seems to cure a lot of them, don't you find? :)
had a car with two fog lights at the rear, you should see their faces when you nail the throttle and hit the fogs at the same time! well p'd off i can tell you!
people that think jabbin the brakes is a good way to get rid of tail gaters.

all that does is winds them up so that when they finally do get past you they then stomp on their brakes. yer better orf weaving about slightly. this gives the impression that yer ****ed and they back right off without getting all macho and aireated.

try it next time you get tail gated. of course some of them need more weaving about than others but it does work ,ooo, probelly 95% of the time.
I cant stand blogs and text-ins on TV and radio..text-ins are everywhere these days and it annoys the hell out of me that the audience have to make the show. Plus half the stuff you have to text in about (especially on radio) is utter dross :mad:

And the stuff in blogs is pretty dire too - why do I need regular updates on what everyone's doing? Cant I have a decent article to read instead?!

Had to share those with someone, it's been bugging me for ages!
Sorry I’m going to **** of some people here.

Horse boxes
Why The F*** do you drive like you have nitro-glycerine in there?
If you don’t want to **** people off pull over.
Also I’m sure most horse lorries aren’t road legal but do you see the police down the local gymcarner checking them out? No they are too nicking busy motorcyclists.

People who go less than the speed limit for no reason.
Ps slowing down or wobbling doesn’t work with company car drivers, we don’t pay for our cars or insurance so we don’t give a F***, you are best speeding up or getting out of the way if you don’t like it.

Anyone who flashes me to move over when I’m up at ramming speed in the fast lane waiting to get passed something myself.

I’m sure someone else would have mentioned middle land drivers.
Ever wished that you had a rocket launcher on your car.

People with Kids who let little Tommy bang there car door against my car.
Some little **** did that to my wife’s car and it cost £300 to fix.
BTW better not park too close to a company car for the same reason.

Access only / No through traffic signs
I make a point of going through these and if stopped I say I wanted access (To the other end.) we all pay for theses roads.

Bus / Taxi lanes
50% of the available road used by 2%.
It seems to me that if you have to take buses you probably don’t have a car and therefore don’t pay road tax, so why give them 50% of the road??

I’m off for a quite lie down in a darken room now.

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