
New Member
Pushed for time (on the road) to search forums, any quick links, I'm looking to replace the ford diesel engine in my 1983 88, i'm looking for a bit more power and more speed, I want to travel a bit further, the uzisuzi 2.8 seems popular, would I need to change my 4 speed, and rear axel ratio? whats needed, engine conversion plate to gearbox, engine mounts, radiator, modified exhaust etc,
I'm looking for a quick conversion, i'm ok with bolting and removing engines but not engineering, would it cost millions to have a garage do it? any good places in hampshire?
is it a older transit engine in yours at the moment? presumably then engine mounts have been moved/ altered? can anybody correct me on that? other people have had good results with newer transit engines-you might already have the right conversion plate in there.

i'm just finnishing a 200tdi conversion and it is straight forward enough. would just muck it up abit if you had to start moing engine mounts back to there origional place.
I've seen a few 200tdi disco mot failures going cheap,are there any years or models i need to avoid? I have a master welder i can rely on to change the mounts, the trany engine seems to be screaming at 50mph, is this due to gearing? would i get the same with 200tdi or is it a lower revving engine,
Found sometime to search and discovered the engine conversions on the forum, lots to read, I'll be back later with more questions........ I expect!
you need a 1.222 ratio transfer for the tdi on a series.use a defender box if you can as the disco box will push the gear stick quite far back.i dont mind that but its not all to will need to mount a handbrake also if you wack in a 5 speed box.If you stay series box then transfer box 1.222 will suffice.

You may wish to fit some brakes that work as the 88 s11a i used was fookin fast.
Is it the 2.5di Transit injin that u have? This should give you reasonable speed and economy in an 88, tho a bit noisey. If its maxxin out on the revs you need to sort the gearing, get some 7.5x16 tyres plus either an overdrive or the ashcroft kit to increase final ratio.
I'm not sure what year and model the engine is, it has pretty good accelaration but 55mph sounds like a stukker and she's going to blow, its got 7.5x16 tyres. i'm still a landy rookie, theres miles of forum stuff regarding engines and gearing i'm just going to have to drink a gallon of coffee and lose a weekend reading thru. i'll have to look up the ashcroft kit,

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