it does vary ,but not anywhere enough to make that disco look right ,just because you can doesnt mean you should :D
and why not, why conform to society where to gain billy big blocks you need a 3inch body lift and 33inch tyres, with the biggest bumper man can make fitted with the worlds biggest user friendly winch,
"why" ??
oh dear, GEMS has frightened me into not using the edit button, so,

how long can you keep this up before you crack gems


as long as you want.i dont work either so do carry on old for cracking you did that a long time past.snigger.:rolleyes:
as long as you want.i dont work either so do carry on old for cracking you did that a long time past.snigger.:rolleyes:


oh dear gems, you really need to throw them insults to try and achieve some face out of all this, dont you.....
dont you realise that adding insults to every post makes you look small,
Is that some sort of threat lad....

REALLY..... :)

where have i threatened you,or tried are paranoid as well now.why do you insist on calling me lad.i am def not a lad.male definately,but not a lad.


oh dear gems, you really need to throw them insults to try and achieve some face out of all this, dont you.....
dont you realise that adding insults to every post makes you look small,

and you dont throw them.oh really you must get a grip.:rolleyes:
as long as you want.i dont work either so do carry on old for cracking you did that a long time past.snigger.:rolleyes:
just why DONT you work gems >
do tell,
be Interesting to find out you can have 5 cars yet not work,
very Interesting i`d say.... eh..

I`m listening, here, still, and............
I have a 'restore peace' button. It's a little messy but it works.

MOD1.if it is me that you need to ban,then i accept what you question.but i will not be lied to or try to be cowtowed by anyone.
oh dear, i cant seem to get my point accross tonight to certain posters mod 1
ban us both and be done with it.... yeh, do it !!
just why DONT you work gems >
do tell,
be Interesting to find out you can have 5 cars yet not work,
very Interesting i`d say.... eh..

I`m listening, here, still, and............

that would be his own business shirley ;)

do it, go on, do it...
love a challenge...... :)

I could choose to believe that is the second time this evening you have posted on this thread in error

MOD1.if it is me that you need to ban,then i accept what you question.but i will not be lied to or try to be cowtowed by anyone.

It has an unfortunate tendancy to go off twice, sometimes 3 times whenever I press it.
Perhaps a little break to put the kettle on would fact that's a blurdy good idea :)
that would be his own business shirley ;)
point taken, but it was not I that was spouting about 5 cars and no work,
was it..

to stick ones head above the parapit would be a foolish thing to do,
yes ?
anyway, I want to know why MOD1 is not doing his/hers job..
point taken, but it was not I that was spouting about 5 cars and no work,
was it..

to stick ones head above the parapit would be a foolish thing to do,
yes ?
anyway, I want to know why MOD1 is not doing his/hers job..

ok mate ;)

MOD 1 defines his/her own role

i. for one, don't want to question that

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